Chamo Rosso

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Chamo Rosso


Race / Pooka

Summoner / Druid


Chamo is a proud and selfish girl. She is uncooperative and gets easily bored or angered. Born to the Eastal Free League, she is often considered an unwanted hero. She also gets the urge to kill anything angering or bothering her. Because of Chamo's grotesque and tremendous power, she is extremely feared by her enemies and allies both. She is considered incredibly out of sorts for her species.

"Why should I take orders from you? You're weak and boring. Don't make me eat you." - Chamo Rosso

Elder Tale Online

Chamo Rosso.png

Additional Information

Alliance: N/A
Kingdom: The Eastal Free League
Skills: Will Eat You, Too Strong, Hero?, The Pooka Hero, They Never Wanted, And Deserve Better


Name Date Summary