Game Code

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At this time, you will only find the Codex system on-game. The system keeps track of the things you 'know' ICly, for matters of theme-importance. It also allows you to teach or share these things with other characters.


Codex Navigation


Will display the index of the codex system.

+codex Title/Subtitle/Sub-Subtitle

Will display the entry for that member of the codex system, searching as best as it can to find the entry in question. The more exact the title you give it, the better the search will be.

+codex Exact Name

Will display the entry for that member of the codex system, trying to seek as deep as it can.

Codex Link

+codex/teach Person=Codex Title

+codex/teach Person=Codex Title/Codex Subtitle

+codex/teach Person,Person 2=Codex Title/Codex Subtitle

+codex/teach Person,Person 2=Codex Title/Codex Subtitle, Codex Title 2

+codex/teach Person,Person 2=Codex Title/Codex Subtitle, Codex Title 2/Codex Subtitle 2

These commands will try to teach another person various codex entries you may have, and all 'required' entries before it. Each time you run this command, the targets needs to accept or reject the offering.



These commands will accept or reject the teachings of a character.

Codex Knowledge Share

+codex/share Codex Title

+codex/share Codex Title/Codex Subtitle

+codex/share Codex Title,Codex Title 2

+codex/share Codex Title/Codex Subtitle,Codex Title 2/Codex Subtitle 2

Will create a string that can be pasted in, representing a group of codex entries someone can learn.

+codex/learn share link

Will learn the codex entries encoded in a Share Link.

Scene System


This Generation of Scene System, or 'Entity Scene System', is a Scene Logging system. Henceforth referred to as SceneSys, this system allows people to easily schedule, create, and pose into scenes with little disruption. These scenes automatically are made available onto a website found here.


Basics: Starting a Scene

+scene/create Scene Title

+scene/create Scene Title=Description

+scene/create/loud Scene Title

Will start a scene immediately. Any @emits etc will be recorded, assuming you are in an IC location and you meet the prerequisites - such as a long enough pose. It will set a title, and optionally a description.

If you use the loud switch, the system will announce on the Roleplay channel that you have created a scene.

+scene/join Scene Number

This will join you to a scene.


This will stop the current scene from being your 'active' scene. Additionally, this will remove you from the scene participant list if you have no poses in the currently active scene yet.



+scene/[finish|pause|continue|start] Scene Number

+scene/loud/[finish|pause|continue|start] Scene Number

This will finish a scene, pause it, or continue/start a paused scene.

In general, you want to make sure to Finish a scene when you are done. Start tends to be used for Scheduled Events.


+scene/recall Scene Number

+scene/recall Scene Number=Number of Poses

See the recall of poses for the current, or a given scene.

Change a Scene's Information

+scene/title Scene Number=New Title

If you are the owner, this will change the scene's title.

+scene/describe Scene Number=New Description

If you are the owner, this will change the scene's description.

+scene/delete Scene Number

Deletes a scene, assuming it contained no poses.

Advanced: Changing Poses

+scene/edit Pose Number=Before Text^^^After Text

Change the text in a Pose. You can find the Pose Number below each pose, either in recall or during a pose.

+scene/edit Pose Number=Johny Fivve^^^Johny Five


+scene/undo PoseId

Undoes your most recent non-undone pose. Or whichever Pose you indicate, if it is yours.


+scene/redo PoseId

Redoes your most recent undone pose. Or whichever Pose you indicate, if it is yours.

+scene/spoof Character Name

Set you to start spoofing as one of your alt-characters. In other words, your @emits will be logged as belonging to that character. This can be useful if you want to multi-scene as the same character. Just remember to unspoof afterwards.


Stops spoofing.

Scheduled Scenes


Displays all scheduled scenes.

+scene/schedule Date/Scene Title=Description

This command will schedule a scene for a certain date, which can be seen in the +scenes command.

+scene/reschedule Scene Number=Date

This command will reschedule a scene to a certain date. This also works if the scene was just created, but had not been scheduled.

+scene/unlist Scene Number

This command will remove a scene from the schedule, while keeping the scene.

+scene/tag Scene Number

Marks you as interested in being in this scene. Treated as an RSVP.

+scene/untag Scene Number

Unmarks you from a scene. Use this is you are fairly certain you can't make a scene you previously tagged.

View Scenes

+scene Scene Number

See the information about this scene, such as the URL you can find the full recall at.

+scene Player

+scene/# Player

See the scenes this player is a participant of, that have not yet been finished.

+scene/old Player

+scene/old/# Player

See the finished scenes this player was a participant of.

+scene/with Player,Player2,Player3, Etc

See what scenes this collection of player share in common.

Card System

Card System

Elder Tale Online uses a Card-Based resolution system. This is largely used for combat encounters, but also enables larger-scale projects, such as building towns.

Each character has 2 Classes (A Primary and Secondary one) which combine into a Title - as well as a non-combat Profession. This is often indicated as [ Primary / Secondary ]. Example: [ Heavy Blade / Bard ].

Each Class provides a rate of (Attack, Defense, and Utility) Card Points, as well as Concept Potential. Concepts are an abstract idea of the capability of a character to perform certain actions. See the Concepts tab for more information.


There are 12 classes in total, with various attributes to them. A character has a Title which is a combination of two Unique classes (You can't be Heavy Blade + Heavy Blade). The Primary class gives its full benefit, but the Secondary class gives half the points. Both the Primary and Secondary classes pass their full suite of Concepts. Duplicates give a bonus to the amount of Card Points a character provides for Projects.

To give context to the Points Gain rate. At the game's opening, everyone starts with a Percentage of 30 points from their primary class, 15 points from their secondary class, plus another 11 free points for each deck for a total of '33', to spend on cards. This is adjusted up after approval automatically to bring new players in line with the player-base and not get too far behind.

So for instance, a [Heavy Blade/Bard] would have:

Type Primary Secondary Free Starting Points Total
Attack 12 (40% of 30) 3 (20% of 15) 11 26
Defense 12 (40% of 30) 6 (40% of 15) 11 29
Utility 6 (20% of 30) 6 (40% of 15) 11 23

Class Table

Class Name Grants Concept Potentials Magical/Physical Attack Points Gain Defense Points Gain Utility Points Gain
Heavy Blade Physical, Handle Animal, Armor Forging, Fire, Water, Earth, Light, Shield, Melee Physical 40% [12 or 6] 40% [12 or 6] 20% [6 or 3]
A Physical class primarily focused on Damage and Defenses, with a focus on being a front line combattant.
Blademaster Physical, Weapon Forging, Fire, Earth, Air, Shield, Evasion, Ranged, Melee Physical 33.33% [10 or 5] 33.33% [10 or 5] 33.33% [10 or 5]
A versatile Physical class, known for their access to many types of weapons.
Hunter Physical, Hunting, Tracking, Water, Earth, Air, Dark, Evasion, Ranged Physical 60% [18 or 9] 20% [6 or 3] 20% [6 or 3]
A Physical class with an extreme focus on Damage, often found being a rear line combattant.
Twin Blade Physical, Sneaking, Ledgerdemain, Fire, Water, Air, Dark, Evasion, Melee Physical 40% [12 or 6] 40% [12 or 6] 20% [6 or 3]
A Physical class primarily focused on Damage and Defenses, often found on the front lines.
Crusader Physical, Magical, Law, Pharmacy, Fire, Water, Light, Shield, Melee Physical & Magical 20% [6 or 3] 60% [18 or 9] 20% [6 or 3]
A class split across the Magical and Physical, with an extreme focus on Defense.
Bard Physical, Magical, Song, Negotiation, Air, Dark, Evasion, Melee, Ranged Physical & Magical 20% [6 or 3] 40% [12 or 6] 40% [12 or 6]
A class split across the Magical and Physical, with a focus on Defense and Utility.
Druid Physical, Magical, Handle Animal, Water, Earth, Shield, Evasion, Melee, Ranged Physical & Magical 33.33% [10 or 5] 33.33% [10 or 5] 33.33% [10 or 5]
A versatile class split across the Magical and Physical.
Godhand Physical, Magical, Scripture, Law, Earth, Air, Light, Evasion, Melee Physical & Magical 40% [12 or 6] 20% [6 or 3] 40% [12 or 6]
A class split across Magical and Physical, with a focus on Attack and Utility
Acolyte Magical, Divination, Song, Fire, Water, Air, Light, Shield, Ranged Magical 20% [6 or 3] 40% [12 or 6] 40% [12 or 6]
A Magical class with a focus on Utility and Defenses. Known for their healing.
Enchanter Magical, Enchanting, Alchemy, Fire, Earth, Air, Dark, Evasion, Ranged Magical 20% [6 or 3] 20% [6 or 3] 60% [18 or 9]
A Magical class with an extreme focus on Utility. Known for their debuffs.
Sorcerer Magical, Appraisal, Cryptography, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Shield, Ranged Magical 40% [12 or 6] 20% [6 or 3] 40% [12 or 6]
A Magical class with a focus on Damage and Utility.
Summoner Magical, Handle Monster, Fire, Water, Earth, Shield, Evasion, Melee, Ranged Magical 33.33% [10 or 5] 33.33% [10 or 5] 33.33% [10 or 5]
A versatile Magical Class. Known for their temporary summons.


A combination of classes has a title. The columns (Left to Right) are the primary, the rows (Up to Down) are the secondary. For the most part, the actual named 'Title' has no direct effect on the character, but it's an IC way to refer to someone's character's class combination. As an example, a [Heavy Blade / Bard] is known as a Standard Bearer.

Primary --->
Heavy Blade Crusader Godhand Hunter Twin Blade Blademaster Druid Acolyte Bard Sorcerer Summoner Enchanter
Heavy Blade Paladin Iron Fist Warlord Legionnaire Zweihander Guardian Cleric Herald Revenant Dreadnought Warlock
Crusader Exemplar Enforcer Inquisitor Zealot Chevalier Strider Evangelist Commander Rune Knight Sentinel Exorcist
Godhand Barbarian Justicar Woodsman Assassin Pugilist Avatar Monk Orator Wavebreaker Emissary Hexer
Hunter Beastbane Demon Hunter Shadowfist Stalker Marksman Ranger Scout Minstrel Scourge Seeker Outrider
Twin Blade Whirling Blade Templar Lightspeed Fist Pathfinder Gladiator Disciple Warpriest Scoundrel Waveblade Corsair Infiltrator
Blademaster Juggernaut Champion Martial Artist Sniper Blade Dancer Wildblade Paragon Duelist Eldritch Knight Mastermind Shadow
Druid Harbinger Vanguard Avenger Warden Harrier Ronin Tender Shepard Witch Medium Bewitcher
Acolyte Sentry Devout Asura Shrine Archer Dervish Liberator Heretic Bishop Savant Conjurer Astrologian
Bard Standard Bearer War Chanter Aerialist Howling Arrow Rogue Bladesinger Earthsinger Hymnist Virtuoso Conductor Symphonist
Sorcerer Blackguard Holy Knight Wavebender Spell Fletcher Ninja Magic Knight Geomancer Hierophant Trickster Arcanist Archmage
Summoner Lord Tactician Spirit Caller Beastmaster Mystic Warmaster Chloromancer Thaumaturge Muse Elementalist Artificer
Enchanter Spellblade Lightbringer Ki Master Arcane Archer Slayer Arcane Warrior Naturalist Diviner Charlatan Magus Necromancer


Professions are what allow a character to excel in another field outside of combat, giving them more ready access to participation in certain kinds of jobs. A profession can heavily inform the kind of approach you wish to take to certain roleplay situations. There's rumors of mysterious 'EX Professions' which are supposed to be special.

All characters begin with 1 profession at application.

Profession Grants Concept Potentials
Farmer Farming Herbology Physical
Trapper Hunting Capture Animal Physical
Animal Handler Capture Animal Handle Animal Physical
Alchemist Herbology Alchemy Physical
Miner Mining Metalworking Physical
Sculpter Woodworking Artisany Physical
Maid Cooking Tailoring Physical
Doctor Pharmacy Etiquette Physical
Messenger Song Etiquette Physical
Scribe Scripture Appraisal Magical
Blacksmith Weapon Forging Armor Forging Physical
Jeweler Accessory Forging Enchanting Magical
Friar Brew Divination Physical
Craftsman Construction Mercantile Physical
Ombudsman Law Negotiation Physical
Archeologist Cryptography Cartography Magical
Investigator Searching Ledgerdemain Physical
Tracker Tracking Searching Physical
Monster Handler Capture Monster Handle Monster Magical
Scout Searching Sneaking Physical
Thief Legerdemain Sneaking Physical


Each character begins with one of the nine Races. These give a minor benefit, and often inform the Kingdom choice as well.

Race Concepts
Cait Sith Air Mercantile
Gnome Earth Mining
Human Fire Negotiation
Imp Dark Legerdemain
Pooka Earth Appraisal
Salamander Fire Hunting
Spriggan Dark Sneaking
Sylph Air Searching
Undine Water Diving
Were Fang Water Transformation


Each character is part of a Kingdom, or is an Outcast. Without membership of a Kingdom, one does not have access to the Concept it provides.

Kingdom Grants Concept Potential
Eastal Free League Air
Fourland Dukedom Water
Holy Empire Westelande Fire
Ninetails Dominion Earth
Realm of Uruk Dark
Ezzo Empire Dark (Historically)
Outcasts Dark (Historically)


A Concept is a generic term related to the Card based Resolution System. They relate to a character's ability to do something. They span from the basic 'Physical' tag, to indicate a character is capable of Physical based combat, to more complex words like 'Data Drain', which would be a special ability related to the Power Paths.

Concept Terms

In summary, your character holds Concept Potential (a list of Concepts), which give access to Concept Points by means of buying the right cards with the Requirements your character meets.

Concept Potential

Typical cards will often require a certain Concept to be available on a class or character. For instance, 'Firebolt' card may require a character with the 'Magic' Concept Potential, as well as 'Fire' Concept Potential.

Concept Potentials come from the following sources: Class, Kingdom, Relics, and Race, and are used by Card Requirements.

Concept Points

Concept Points are the Concepts on cards multiplied by the Card Cost, are used for Project Requirements. These are the representations of how far your character has spent time to get good at doing that concept. For instance, a character with a 'Hammer' card, which has a 'Construction' Concept attached to it - may use it for a 'Construction' requiring Project.

Concept List

Though this list is not exhaustive, a generic list of Concepts can be found below:

Farming Enchanting Negotiation Appraisal Bludgeoning Handle Animal System Protection
Woodworking Scripture Legerdemain Slashing Handle Monster Sneaking Data Drain
Hunting Armor Forging Law Searching Piercing Tracking Legend
Capture Animal Weapon Forging Mercantile Diving Fire Transformation Hacker
Capture Monster Accessory Forging Etiquette Cryptography Water Oracle
Herbology Metalworking Song Cartography Earth Loremaster
Mining Tailoring Divination Air
Artisany Dark
Alchemy Light
Cooking Melee
Brew Ranged
Pharmacy Physical
Construction Evasion

Concept Primer

Concept Primer

The following is a primer on the various non-combat abilities and a minimum of what they can be used for. Note that the following list is not exhaustive and that there are uses for these concepts outside of what is written here.


Concept Description
Farming A buffing ability which increases the number and rarity of item drops from all plants.
Fishing A buffing ability which increases the number and rarity of item drops from sea creatures.
Hunting A buffing ability which increases the number and rarity of item drops from beasts and monsters.
Capture Animal The ability to create traps or snares which can be used to capture animals.
Capture Monster The ability to create traps or snares which can be used to capture monsters.
Herbology The ability to gather and understand the properties of herbs and other such plants.
Mining The ability to gather and understand the properties of raw ores, precious gems, and stones.


Concept Description
Enchanting Used to imbue items with magical properties.
Woodworking Used to create wooden weapons such as staffs or bows. Can be used to craft other wooden products, including furniture.
Armor Forging Used to create armor using metal or certain heavy monster drops.
Weapon Forging Used to create weapons using metal or certain heavy monster drops.
Accessory Forging Used to create jewelry, precision tools, items, or fashion headgear.
Metalworking Used to create miscellaneous objects out of metal such as horseshoes or chains. Can be used to experiment with combining metals and/or heavy monster drops to create new alloys.
Tailoring Used to create items or armor using cloth, leather, and certain light monster drops.
Artisany Used to create drawings, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art.
Alchemy Used to create poisons and status effect potions, or transfer traits from one item to another.
Cooking Used to create meals by chopping, combining, and heating ingredients.
Brew Used to create beverages, including alcohol. Can flavor potions from other professions.
Pharmacy Used to diagnose and treat illness, or inspect status effects. Can create healing potions.
Construction Used to create large structures such as buildings, boats, or other civil works.


Concept Description
Negotiation Knowledge of how to convince people to agree with your ideas or plans.
Scripture Knowledge of lore and writing.
Law Knowledge of the laws and their enforcement.
Mercantile Knowledge of business practices.
Etiquette Knowledge of proper behavior in social situations.
Song Knowledge of music and skill in musical performance.


Concept Description
Appraisal Knowledge to analyze objects and identify special properties.
Legerdemain Knowledge of pickpocketing, picking locks, and other sleight of hand.
Searching Knowledge of how to find hidden objects or information within a single location.
Diving Knowledge of undersea exploration. Skill in swimming, holding your breath.
Cryptography Knowledge of symbols, runes, and numbers. Skill in puzzle solving.
Cartography Knowledge to create and interpret maps. Skill in navigation.
Divination knowledge in reading subtle signs which give insight to past, present, and future.


Concept Description
Fire A combat ability that encompasses heat and manipulation of flame. Can apply the 'burning' status.
Water A combat ability that encompasses cold and manipulation of water. Can apply the 'drowning' status.
Earth A combat ability that encompasses plant control and manipulation of earth and stone.
Air A combat ability that encompasses electricity and manipulation of winds.
Light A combat ability that encompasses healing and manipulation of light.
Dark A combat ability that encompasses the arcane arts and manipulation of darkness.
Physical A combat ability that represents the Adventurer's general physical fitness. This can include strength, endurance, and dexterity in a general sense.
Magical A combat ability that represents the Adventurer's general magical ability. This can include how much mana they have, the strength of their spells, and their general skill with the arcane.
Ranged A combat ability that encompasses all aspects of shooting physical or spell attacks at range. This includes visually tracking a target, aiming, and launching both physical or magical attacks.
Melee A combat ability that encompasses all aspects of close ranged physical or spell attacks. This includes utilizing weapon or touch-based spell attacks as well as skill in close quarters fighting.
Shield A combat ability that encompasses utilizing both physical and magical shields and barriers to reduce incoming damage.
Evasion A combat ability that encompasses utilizing raw speed to reduce incoming damage. Also tightly aligned with an Adventurer's movement speed.


Concept Description
Handle Animal The ability to tame, train, and control an animal.
Handle Monster The ability to train, and control a monster.
Sneaking The ability to blend into the environment and hide from the notice of others.
Tracking The ability to follow a person or animal over long distances by noting subtle clues from the environment.

Card Costs

There are four levels of cards: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic, each more expensive than the last. It is important to look at the rules for building a deck when you are looking at your next purchase. But in general, it's wise to have a spread of common cards.

Note that the cost is deducted based on the type of card. So the example above of a [Heavy Blade / Bard] with 26 Attack Points, 29 Defense Points and 23 Utility Points, can not immediately buy a Rare Card. But they could buy various Uncommons in their decks - due to the requirement of each deck having a minimum of 10 cards in them.

Rarity Cost
Common 2
Uncommon 5
Rare 13
Epic 34

Card Anatomy

Rarity This decides the cost, as well as the potency, of the overall card. In ascending order, they are: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic.
Type Cards come in three types, which heavily inform the mechanics of a card. They are: Attack, Defense, and Utility. Attack cards generally do damage, Defense cards generally reduce damage, and Utility cards do things like Healing, Buffing, or Debuffing.
Requirements The required Concept Potential on your character, in order to purchase this card.
Concepts The Concepts this card conveys. Some cards can convey a new Concept that your character doesn't have, but all of them convey the same Concepts as their Requirements by default. These Concepts are used to calculate your 'Concept Points' when you are doing a 'Project'.
(Energy) Cost The amount of Energy expended when playing this card.
Hits Seen on both Offense and Defense cards. It informs you how often the card calculates Damage or Defense-increase for. For example, if a card is a: 2x8 card, it means it does 8 Damage, 2 times - for a total of 16. If you have a buff that gives you a +1 in Power, that would mean you would do 2x(8+1) damage. In other words, 18 damage. As a general rule, the higher the Hit Count, the lower the card's default damage. But they gain a higher amount of potency through buffs. **In short, higher hit is higher risk, higher reward**.

It is important to note that there are also Random Hit cards, and Area Hit cards. These do damage amongst multiple selected targets, with a maximum amount of targets equal to the amount of 'Hits' on the card.

Effects Effects on cards can be things like, '2 rounds of +2 Power' or 'Thorns for 1 round'. They are generally described in a card's description. See the Combat tab for more details.
Damage The amount of damage that will be done per Hit. See Hits for more details.
Defense The amount of defense that will be gained per Hit. See Hits for more details. Defense is basically Temporary HP. Damage will subtract from Defense before it subtracts from HP.
Heal The amount of HP that will be restored to the target.
Face Down Cards that are Face Down do not show their name in the opponent's Queue or during the announcements of card plays. It will only tell them its Type and its Rarity.
Single Use Single Use cards are cards given out as resources from Minigames or Scene Rewards, and the moment they are played, 1 count of them is removed from your deck(s). These can range from cards aimed at Projects, which have low to no combat impact, or powerful combat items that have limited uses - such as a special effect on a Magic Sword.

Card Combat

Gameplay Setup

A player takes the lead in creating a Combat Session.


Players then join the session.

+card/join Session Number

The player that goes first has 2 energy to use. Someone who is targeted by an attack will gain 1 energy for the standard total of three. Starting in round 2, unless there's an exception, the game keeps the 3 energy max going.

Basic Gameplay Cycle

The basic gameplay cycle is as follows.

0. Player 1 checks his Queue for incoming cards, and strategizes based on what is incoming.


1. Player 1 plays up to their Energy in cards. Some cards cost 1 energy, some cost 2. The player will be playing both Defense, Utility and Offense cards during this time in one go. As such, if you are waiting for other players who still have to attack you, wait for them to do so.

+card/play Card
+card/play Card=Target,Target2
+card/play Card=Target,Same Target,Same Target

2. Player 1 indicates they are done, which will run everything in their Queue in the order of: Utility, Defense, Attack. This command will afterward reset their energy, **discard** their hand, and draw a new hand of cards.


3. Player 2 starts the same actions. Go around until everyone has played. If a split-off is required, create multiple combat sessions.

Order of Operations

When the +card/done is given, the turn proceeds in the following order:

  • All Effects without <Hit Duration> are activated.
  • All Round Duration values decrease by 1.
  • Utility Cards are activated
  • Defense Cards are activated
  • Incoming Attack Cards are activated
  • Outgoing Attack Cards become Incoming Attack Cards for next turn
  • End Turn
  • Cards are dealt, 2 (+/- Draw Up and Draw Down) from each of the Utility, Defense, and attack decks, to the next player.

Win Condition

The win condition is, in general, simple. If someone's HP drops to 0, they are out. It is possible to go beyond 0 HP as a condition. See below under 'All In'.


When you apply an Effect, make sure to look at the important details of those effects. The Trigger, Intensity, and Duration.

Example of Piercing Strike card.

[Applies <Guard Down> to target, <on activation> (Lowers Guard Power by <1>) for <2 hit(s) / 2 round(s)>]
  • The Effect is the buff/debuff being applied. <Guard Down>
    • For a list of common effects, see the Card Effects tab.
  • The Trigger is when it starts taking effect. <on activation>
    • On activation: The card activates on normal Order of Operation (Utility, Defense, Incoming Attack)
    • On play: The card activates immediately.
  • The Intensity is how intense the effect is, and is usually accompanied by a description of the effect within parentheses. <1>
  • The Duration is how long it lasts. This can be expressed in either Hits or Rounds. <2 hit(s) / 2 round(s)>
    • Hit Duration is how many 'hits' or either an Damage or Defense type card it'll affect, until it disappears.
    • Round Duration is how many 'rounds' (The amount of times you press Done) it remains.
    • If there is both a Hit and Round Duration, whichever one is first met, makes the effect disappear.

If there are multiple instances of an effect, the one with the highest intensity acts. As such, it is discouraged to stack effects that do the same thing.

All In

It is possible to put a Memory down, before you drop to 0 HP. This will allow you to keep fighting beyond 0 HP. But each drop in HP has a chance of disabling the person, and permanently erasing that Memory from their memories. The higher level a Memory is, the longer one will stay up.

Card Effects

  • Gain Defense: Raises your defense by # as if you played a defense card with 1 hit.
  • Start Guard: Sets the character's Guard to # at the start of their round
  • Guard Up: Increases the Guard Power by #
  • Guard Down: Lowers Guard Power by #
  • Attack Up: Increases Attack Power by #
  • Attack Down: Lowers Attack Power by #
  • Blind: Reduces Guard Power and Attack Power by #
  • Harm Self:Harms the caster by # damage, ignoring guard
  • Thorn Bind: Does # damage for each incoming hit that beats Guard.
    • This deals damage to a defender when the defender has 0 Guard.
  • Thorns: Returns # damage for each incoming Hit that does not beat Guard
    • This deals damage to an attacker when the attacker has at least 1 Guard.
  • Type Resist: Adds # defense against <COMBAT CONCEPT> Concept based cards.
  • Retaliate: If the effected attacks a target other than the caster (CASTER NAME HERE), take # damage
  • Doom: Dooms a character, disabling them from healing

Tick Cards

For these cards, Intensity is reduced by one at the start of the round at the same time as Round Duration.

  • Heal Over Time: Gives # Heal Over Time. Heal Over Time raises up to max HP, for as many points as there is Intensity left.
  • Poison: Gives # Poison. Poison damage ignores defenses, for as many points as there is Intensity.

Hand Manipulation

Each of these cards effect a <TYPE>: Attack, Defense, Utility, or Random.

  • Draw Up: Increase the amount of <TYPE> drawn by # at draw phase
  • Draw Down: Reduce the amount of <TYPE> cards drawn by # at draw phase
  • Draw: Immediately draws # <TYPE> card
  • Discard: Randomly discards # card(s) from the enemy deck and puts them into their appropriate discard pile(s)

Clutter Cards

These cards place a Clutter Effect Card into the target's specified deck until played. When played, they are removed from combat

  • Burning: Adds # [Burning] card(s) to the top of the player's [<TYPE>] deck
    • On Discard, inflicts Self Harm 2.
  • Curse: Adds # [Cursed] card(s) to the top of the player's [<TYPE>] deck
    • On Play, player must discard 1 card from a random deck.
  • Drowning: Adds # [Drowning] card(s) to the top of the player's [<TYPE>] deck
    • On Discard, inflicts Guard Down 3 for 1 hit / 2 rounds.
  • Bleeding: Adds # [Bleeding] card(s) to the top of the player's [<TYPE>] deck
    • On Discard, inflicts Self Harm 2.

Card Customization

You can create custom cards through the +job system. This will create in a Project that will result in your new custom card. As such, they go into the Project category.

NOTES: In order to not overwhelm card staff and to allow more steady progression, there is a limit of two (2) custom cards and/or unique items allowed per calendar month.

Recommended format for card projects:

<A brief description of how your character will go about developing their new technique. Include any current techniques/single-use cards you may be referencing or using in the creation of your new technique.>

Card Name: <Insert Name Here>
Rarity: <Uncommon/Rare/Epic>
Cost: <1 or 2>
Type: <Attack/Defense/Utility>
Description: <The description that will go on the card>
(Optional) Requirements: <A list of concepts>
(Optional) Grants: <A list of concepts>
(Optional) Function: <What you might like the card to do>

Note: Optional items represent a request. Staff may or may not be able to provide you with the items that you are requesting, depending on card/game balance.

Sample Card Submission:

+job/request cards/Card: Sample Form=Hiro (Jun Sumisu) has been developing his martial arts skills. He wants to create a new demonstration form which he can use to impress the [[Landers]] with his skill. When used in combat, it would have the secondary effect of possibly throwing his opponents off their guard.%r%rCard Name: Sample Form%rRarity: Uncommon%rCost: 1%rType: Utility%rDescription: A series of martial arts motions that is meant to impress onlookers. It can also serve as a distraction, drawing the eye away from the source of real potential damage.%r(Optional) Requirements: Physical, Melee%r(Optional) Grants: Physical, Melee, Negotiation%r(Optional) Function: An uncommon utility that lowers my opponents guard and offers a good bonus to negotiation for projects!

Unique Items

NOTE: This section is a WIP (Work in Progress) and is not considered to be official until this message is removed by Liminality.

Unique items represent specialized gear and equipment that Adventurers make or have made for themselves. These represent weapons, armor, jewelry, or other accessories which have special meaning to the Adventurer. Examples of Unique items are: a sword crafted from a piece of meteorite, a piece of leather armor made from wyvern hide, or a ring with an elemental crystal. Unique items belong solely to the Adventurer who owns the item and can allow them to perform some ability (card technique) associated with that item.

Benefits of a Unique Item

  1. Your character gets a neat weapon, armor, or accessory which can add flavor to roleplay.
  2. The item gets a special ansi-coloration, making it stand out in scenes.
  3. The item may be commented on by NPCs in some circumstances.
  4. The abilities associated with a unique item can never be taught/learned and will never become public.

Making a Unique

  1. Acquire a single-use card which they want to use as the basis for their unique item.
  2. Submit a card request, stating that you want to create a unique item. Include the item's name, any descriptive details about the item, and the ability you are requesting. Include all of the standard card-fields associated with a card request.
  3. Submit a ansi-color code for your unique item by attaching it to the card job. Use the command: ]+job/comment ###=<your ansi-colored item name>
  4. You will be assigned a project to create the item and its associated card. A single-use card of at least the same level as the card being created is required to be used in the project.
  5. When completed, you will be provided the ability to purchase your new card. Cards can be accessed by using the ability name. If your item is: Storm Dragon Armor - Repelling Spark, you can purchase/interact with it using +card Repelling Spark


Limits are put in place to help spread out staff time and focus. They will be expanded as more players develop unique items and it becomes more common.

  • Current Limit: 2 Items
  • Ability Limit: 2 Abilities (cards) per item


  1. What if I don't have a single-use card of the right rarity for the card I want to create?
    • You can combine lower-level cards together to meet this requirement. Note the card point costs under +help Card Catalogue.
  2. If I add a new ability of the same rarity to my unique (a new card request), do I need to invest more single-use cards?
    • No, you only need to invest a single-use card when creating your unique or when upgrading it to have a higher level rarity ability.
  3. When I created my Unique, I set it at the 'Uncommon' rarity. I want to make a new 'Rare' ability. How do I do that?
    • Submit a request as normal, and note that you are upgrading your unique. You will need to invest the difference in card points by submitting single-use cards to the project. Note the point costs under +help Card Catalogue.
  4. Can I make a unique for a spell or combat ability?
    • No, Uniques specifically represent equipment. You can still create custom cards for your other combat abilities and spells, however.

Card Design

Growth of a character includes the ability to create custom cards and learn custom cards from others. These cards are created based on design values for the features of those cards. Cards that do not follow the current rules can be considered illegal for play. Consult your local staffer for help and +job queues to get them up to the current version.

These rules are as of 07:36, 10 February 2023 (CET) and apply to custom Uncommon and custom Rare cards. They do not apply to the basic public cards, Common cards, or Epic cards. Commons are all public cards and Epics are a special card that only exists once across all (Attack, Defense, Utility) decks as game changer signature moves.

Design Points

A card has a number of Design Points (DP) based on its rarity and its EN cost. This serves as the base target number for each card.

  • Uncommon: 10 DP per EN
    • 1 EN Uncommon: 10
    • 2 EN Uncommon: 20
  • Rare: 13 DP per EN
    • 1 EN Rare: 13
    • 2 EN Rare: 26

As the difference between Uncommon and Rare is 3 points, overperforming or underperforming by a point can be significant. Card designs are sensitive to this fact and sensitive to when the values shift that cards need to be adjusted to be within the design thresholds.

Concept Points

A card has a number of Concept Points (CoPo) based on its rarity. This serves as the base target number for the concept Grants on each card.

  • Uncommon: 7 CoPo
  • Rare: 8 CoPo

A card does not count the first point each time one of these concepts appears, as part of a free concept.

  • First Physical or Magical
  • First Melee or Ranged
  • First Shield or Evasion
  • First Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing

As the difference between Uncommon and Rare is 1 point, overgranting or undergranting by a point can be significant. Card designs are sensitive to this fact and sensitive to when concepts are required for combat effect such as Thorns or Healing.

Deck Specific Rules

All Decks (Attack, Defense, and Utility)

  • Must grant Physical, Magical, and/or a System Arte
  • Must grant at least one Elemental concept
    • Fire
    • Air
    • Water
    • Earth
    • Light
    • Dark
  • May never grant more than 3 elemental concepts
  • Granting a concept requires the concept appear in the Required concepts
  • May grant non-combat concepts
    • Granting a non-combat concept that the creator does not have is considered uncommon
    • It has to make sense for the card, flavor and fun are rewarded
  • Maximum Grant multiplier depends on Rarity
    • Uncommons may not have more than a 2x of a concept (e.g. Airx2 or Constructionx2)
    • Rares may not have more than a 3x of a concept (e.g. Firex3 or Searchingx3)
  • Decks require a minimum of 10 cards in them to be valid
  • Decks have no card maximum
  • Maxium Duplicates of a card depends on Rarity
    • Uncommons may have 3 duplicates of the same card (e.g. 3x Lightningstep)
    • Rares may have 2 duplicates of the same card (e.g. 2x Edge of Shadow)

Attack Deck

  • Must grant Slashing, Bludgeoning, or Piercing
    • Bludgeoning is for low hits in combat. It represents slow and heavy strikes.
      • Associated Element: Earth
    • Slashing is for medium hits in combat. It represents steady and reliable strikes.
      • Associated Elements: Fire, Water, Light, Dark
    • Piercing is for high hits in combat. It represents rapid and weak strikes.
      • Associated Element: Air
  • What is considered low, medium, or high hits depends on the rarity of the card
    • Uncommon
      • 1: Low
      • 2: Medium
      • 3: High
      • Uncommons never have more than 3 hits
    • Rare
      • 1-2: Low
      • 2-3: Medium
      • 3-4: High
      • Rares never have more than 4 hits
  • Must grant Melee or Ranged
    • Granting both is considered rare. The ability has both a touch/close-range function and a distance/long-range function. Example: Lightning Sword from Fire Emblem.
  • Never grants the defensive concepts of Evasion or Shield

Defense Deck

  • Must grant Evasion or Shield
    • Never grants Evasion and Shield
  • Shield is for low-medium hits in combat.
    • Associated Elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Light
  • Evasion is for medium-high hits in combat
    • Associated Elements: Air, Fire, Water, Dark
  • What is considered low-medium, or medium-high hits depends on the rarity of the card
    • Uncommon
      • 1-2: Low-Medium
      • 2-3: Medium-High
      • Uncommons never have more than 3 hits
    • Rare
      • 1-2: Low-Medium
      • 3-4: Medium-High
      • Rares never have more than 4 hits
  • Never grants the Attack concepts of Slashing, Bludgeoning, or Piercing

Utility Deck

  • Never grants the Attack concepts of Slashing, Bludgeoning, or Piercing

PvP - Carded Combat

One function of each card is tied to the use in the card combat system (dueling/PvP). Currently the system is balanced against a 1-1 duel. 2-1, 2-2, 1-3, 2-3, and 3-3 dueling is supported and unbalanced as of this version.

Combat Specific Considerations

  • Health is determined by card rarity. Each card provides a set amount of health to the total health pool of the character.
    • Common: 1 HP (Hit Points)
    • Uncommon: 2 HP
    • Rare: 3 HP
    • Epic: 5 HP
  • Combat favors resolution of combat by a set of rounds
    • Fast: 5 rounds / Avg 14 HP lost per round
    • Average: 10 rounds / Avg 7 HP lost per round
    • Slow: 15+ rounds / Avg 5 HP lost per round
  • Use of cards in combat depends on EN
    • Each combatant gets 3 EN to play cards across all their decks
    • The first play of the game has 2 EN to reflect not needing to spend any EN on defense during the first play
    • Cards are 1 EN or 2 EN
  • Cards are drawn from each individual deck (Attack, Defense, Utility)
    • 2 cards are drawn from each deck at the start of the round
    • The order that the cards are drawn are randomized through a shuffle
    • Effects exist to raise, lower, or replace the cards being drawn
    • When there are no cards to draw, the deck is shuffled again
Base Attributes

The first cost of a card will come from its hits times its (damage/defense) value.

  • Damage if Attack Deck
  • Defense if Defense Deck
  • Example: 2 Hits of 3 Damage --> 2x3 --> 6 DP
  • Example: 2 Hits of 2 Defense --> 2x2 --> 4 DP (see below for an additional cost of +1)

The hits of a card must remain within the threshold of the card's rarity.

  • A card with hits greater than 2 costs 1 additional DP
  • Example: 3 Hits of 3 Damage --> 3x3 --> 9 DP --> +1 for High Hits --> 10 DP

The first instance of Defense, Gain Defense, or Start Guard costs 1 additional DP

  • All Defensive Cards have Defense, therefor all Defensive Cards have this penalty
  • Attack Cards and Utility cards that offer defensive effects of Gain Defense or Start Guard have this penalty added in
  • Example: 2 Hits of 2 Defense --> 2x2 --> 4 DP --> +1 for First Defensive --> 5 DP
  • Example: 3 Hits of 2 Defense --> 3x2 --> 6 DP --> +1 for High Hits --> 7 DP --> +1 for First Defensive --> 8 DP
  • Example: 2 Hits of 3 Damage with Gain Defense 2 --> 2x3 --> 6 DP --> Gain Defense(2) as +2 DP --> 8 DP --> +1 for First Defensive --> 9 DP

Effects can be added after the base has been established. Effects have DP costs based on their intensity, duration, and how the effect impacts combat resolution. The Utility deck has no base requirement like the Attack or Defense deck and has more DP to allocated to effects as a result. Effects of the same type do not stack/add-together and instead overwrite at the highest value/intensity unless otherwise stated.

  • Add Card
    • 6DP per Burning or Drowning added. 5DP per Bleeding or Cursed added
      • DP is calculated as a Drawdown (1DP or 2DP based on the targeted deck or random) plus its effect plus 1DP
      • Cursed targets Attack Deck and causes the enemy to discard cards
      • Drowning targets Defense Deck and causes the enemy to lose more defensive value
      • Bleeding targets Utility Deck and causes direct damage
      • Burning targets Random Deck and causes direct damage
    • Clutters Stack and get recycled in if not addressed. In a 10 Round match it can be expected to be seen two times if not purged. Purging (1EN) trade off favors the clutterer as a 6DP card purge is the same as playing a ~common rarity.
    • Never more than one clutter effect per card
    • Clutters appear in the Utility Deck only
  • Attack Down
    • 1 DP per Intensity per hit (with no round limitation)
    • 4 DP per Intensity per round (with no hit limitation)
    • Reduces the damage of an attack
    • Example: Attack Down, 2 Intensity, for 1 Hit will change 2 Hits of 3 Damage from: 3 + 3 --> 6 Damage to (3-2) + 3 --> 4 Damage
    • Attack and Defensive decks use the 'per hit' values and have both a hit and round limitation
    • Utility decks may have this effect with an unrestricted number of rounds that the hits can go in effect or unrestricted number of hits across a number of rounds.
  • Attack Up
    • 1 DP per Intensity per hit (with no round limitation)
    • 4 DP per Intensity per round (with no hit limitation)
    • Raises the damage of an attack
    • Example: Attack Up, 2 Intensity, for 1 Hit will change 2 Hits of 3 Damage from: 3 + 3 --> 6 Damage to (3+2) + 3 --> 8 Damage
    • Attack and Defensive decks use the 'per hit' values and have both a hit and round limitation
    • Utility decks may have this effect with an unrestricted number of rounds that the hits can go in effect or unrestricted number of hits across a number of rounds.
  • Blind
    • 1 DP per Intensity per Hit
    • Reduces the guard of an enemy and then reduces the attack of an enemy if there are left over hits of this effect
    • Example: Blind, 2 Intensity, for 3 hits will will change 2 Hits of 3 Defense from: 3 + 3 --> 6 Defense to (3-2) + (3-2) --> 2 Defense. In addition, the opponent's attack of 2 hits of 4 damage would change from: 4 + 4 --> 8 Damage to (4-2) + 4 --> 6 damage as there was 1 hit of Blind left that went over to the Attack hits.
    • The maximum hit value depends on the card rarity
      • Uncommon max is 3
      • Rare max is 4
    • Associated Concepts: Dark or Light
  • Destroy Card
    • Used on Epic card use so that the Epic may only be used once per combat
    • Used on Clutter cards to remove from Decks
  • Discard Random
    • 2 DP per intensity per Round
    • Used on Cursed clutter to remove cards
  • Doom
    • 2 DP per Round
    • Prevents the affected target from healing
    • Associated Concept: Dark
  • Draw
    • 2 DP (Attack/Defense Deck)
    • 1 DP (Utility Deck)
    • Immediately draws a card from the defined Deck
    • Draw intensity capped at 1
  • Draw Down
    • 2 DP per Round (Attack/Defense Deck)
    • 1 DP per Round (Utility Deck)
    • Target Draws less cards during the Draw phase from the defined Deck
    • Draw intensity capped at 1
    • Rounds capped at 1 for Attack and Defense Deck
    • Rounds capped based on rarity for the Utility Deck
      • Uncommon: 2 Rounds
      • Rare: 3 Rounds
  • Draw Random
    • 1 DP
    • Immediately draws a card from a random deck
    • Draw intensity capped at 1
  • Draw Up
    • 2 DP per Round (Attack/Defense Deck)
    • 1 DP per Round (Utility Deck)
    • Target Draws more cards during the Draw phase from the defined Deck
    • Draw intensity capped at 1
    • Rounds capped at 1 for Attack and Defense Deck
    • Rounds capped based on rarity for the Utility Deck
      • Uncommon: 2 Rounds
      • Rare: 3 Rounds
  • Facedown
    • 1 DP
    • The card that is played is not disclosed when it is played in combat
    • Associated Concept: Dark, Sneaking, Legerdemain
  • Gain Defense
    • 1 DP per Intensity
    • Raises your Defense by the Intensity of the effect
    • Counts as 1 Defensive Hit for Round-Wide Guard Up effects.
    • The first defensive addition (defense, gain defense, or start guard) costs an additional 1 point
  • Guard Down
    • 1 DP per Intensity per hit (with no round limitation)
    • 4 DP per Intensity per round (with no hit limitation)
    • Reduces the defense of a defensive card
    • Example: Guard Down, 2 Intensity, for 1 Hit will change 2 Hits of 3 Defense from: 3 + 3 --> 6 Defense to (3-2) + 3 --> 4 Defense
    • Attack and Defensive decks use the 'per hit' values and have both a hit and round limitation
    • Utility decks may have this effect with an unrestricted number of rounds that the hits can go in effect or unrestricted number of hits across a number of rounds.
  • Guard Up
    • 1 DP per Intensity per hit (with no round limitation)
    • 4 DP per Intensity per round (with no hit limitation)
    • Raises the defense of a defensive card
    • Example: Guard Up, 2 Intensity, for 1 Hit will change 2 Hits of 3 Defense from: 3 + 3 --> 6 Defense to (3+2) + 3 --> 8 Defense
    • Attack and Defensive decks use the 'per hit' values and have both a hit and round limitation
    • Utility decks may have this effect with an unrestricted number of rounds that the hits can go in effect or unrestricted number of hits across a number of rounds.
  • Harm Self
    • -1 DP per intensity, this gives the card additional DP on Rare cards
    • Used by Burning and Bleeding clutters to inflict damage
  • Heal over Time
    • Formula is the triangular number +2
    • 5 DP for HoT-2 (1+2+2)
    • 8 DP for HoT-3 (1+2+3+2)
    • 12 DP for HoT-4 (1+2+3+4+2)
    • 17 DP for HoT-5 (1+2+3+4+5+2)
    • Heals the target over time, starting at the highest value and then reducing the number by 1 each turn until it is 0
    • The maximum value depends on the card rarity
      • Uncommon max is 3
      • Rare max is 4
    • Associated Concepts: Light, Water, Pharmacy
  • Poison
    • Formula is the triangular number +1
    • 4 DP for Poison-2 (1+2+1)
    • 7 DP for Poison-3 (1+2+3+1)
    • 11 DP for Poison-4 (1+2+3+4+1)
    • 16 DP for Poison-5 (1+2+3+4+5+1)
    • Damages the target over time, starting at the highest value and then reducing the number by 1 each turn until it is 0
    • The maximum value depends on the card rarity
      • Uncommon max is 3
      • Rare max is 4
    • Concepts: Fire,Earth,Dark,Water,Alchemy,Brew
  • Random Draw Down
    • 1 DP per Round
    • Draw intensity capped at 1
    • Target draws less cards during the Draw phase from a random Deck
    • Rounds capped based on rarity
      • Uncommon: 2 Rounds
      • Rare: 3 Rounds
  • Random Draw Up
    • 1 DP per Round
    • Draw intensity capped at 1
    • Target draws more cards during the Draw phase from a random Deck
    • Rounds capped based on rarity
      • Uncommon: 2 Rounds
      • Rare: 3 Rounds
  • Retaliate
    • Not in use
    • Intended Use: To deal damage in a group fight when someone besides your character is attacked
  • Retaliate Attack Down
    • Not in use
    • Intended Use: To reduce the Attack of an attacker with a Defensive card effect
    • Bugged
  • Retaliate Guard Down
    • Not in use
    • Intended Use: To reduce the Defense of an attacker with a Defensive card effect
    • Bugged
  • Start Guard
    • 1 DP per Intensity per Round
    • Raises your Defense by the Intensity of the effect on your next turn
    • The first defensive addition (defense, gain defense, or start guard) costs an additional 1 point
    • Associated concepts: Earth, Light
  • Thorn Bind
    • 1 DP per Intensity per Round
    • Deals damage per intensity per hit for each attack that bypasses the total guard of the enemy
    • Example: Defender plays 2 hits of 3 defense to establish the total guard value: 2x3 --> 6 Total Guard. Attacker Plays 3 hits of 3 damage against this: 6 - 3(firsthit) --> 3 - 3(second hit) --> 0 -3 (third hit) --> -3. 3 damage plus 1 hit of Thorn Bind will apply. If Thorn Bind was 1 Hit of 2 Intensity, then on that last hit the defender takes 2 extra damage.
    • Associated Concepts: Earth, Dark
  • Thorns
    • 1 DP per Intensity per Round
    • Deals damage per intensity per hit for each attack that does not bypass the total guard of the enemy
    • Example: Defender plays 2 hits of 3 defense to establish the total guard value: 2x3 --> 6 Total Guard. Attacker Plays 3 hits of 3 damage against this: 6 - 3(firsthit) and Thorns Applies --> 3 - 3(second hit) and Thorns Applies --> 0 -3 (third hit) --> -3 and Thorns does not apply. If the defender had 2 hits of 2 intensity Thorns, then the attacker would take 2+2 (4) damage during the attack against the defender.
    • Associated Concepts: Fire, Handle Monster
  • Type Resist
    • 1 DP per 2 intensity per Round of Physical, Magical, Melee, or Ranged Physical or Melee require Shield
    • 1 DP per 3 intensity per Round of Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Light, or Dark
      • This item is under review for Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Piercing
    • Magical or Ranged require Evasion
    • Physical or Melee require Shield
    • Maximum intensity per card is 6
    • Defense Deck only
    • Type Resist looks at all Attacks in the queue during evaluation.
Attack Deck Effect Nuances
  • Favored deck: Combat must favor resolution. The Attack deck focuses on bringing the combat to a conclusion by reducing the opponent's HP to 0. Effects that diminish the ability to resolve combat will have a higher cost associated to avoid lengthening the rounds required to duel and reducing the damage per round.
  • Attack Up effects must be bounded by both hit and round
  • Attack Down effects must be bounded by both hit and round
  • Guard Up effects must be bounded by both hit and round
  • Guard Down effects on the target must be bounded both hit and round
  • Cards with Hits over 2 (3 and above) have a 1 point penalty
Defense Deck Effect Nuances
  • Mitigation Deck: The Defense deck focuses on preventing combat from concluding (for the deck's owner) by keeping their HP from reaching 0. There is a minor (1 pt) penalty associated with preventing the conclusion. Damage is always at least 1 (scratch) when calculating damage vs defense of the base values.
  • Type: Resist cards are generated only from the Defense Deck
  • Attack Up effects must be bounded by both hit and round
  • Attack Down effects must be bounded by both hit and round
  • Guard Up effects must be bounded by both hit and round
  • Guard Down effects on the target must be bounded both hit and round
  • Cards with Hits over 2 (3 and above) have a 1 point penalty
Utility Deck Effect Nuances

Support deck: A match can be won without using this deck, but advanced methods can come out of this deck that improve either offensive (attack deck) or defensive (defense deck) purposes.

  • Clutter cards are generated only from the Utility deck (Burning, Drowning, Cursed, Bleeding)
    • Only one clutter effect can apply per card, regardless of it being 1 EN or 2 EN
  • Attack Up effects can be bounded by hits (and all rounds) or rounds (and all hits)
  • Attack Down effects can be bounded by hits (and all rounds) or rounds (and all hits)
  • Guard Up effects can be bounded by hits (and all rounds) or rounds (and all hits)
  • Guard Down effects can be bounded by hits (and all rounds) or rounds (and all hits)
Concept Guidelines & Effects

There are concepts that give card characteristics their identity. Light is iconic to Healing. Fire is iconic to Burning. Custom cards will look for these concepts when seeking to gain certain characteristics.

  • Physical
    • Power origin Concept: Sword Artes
    • No dependant requirements
  • Magical
    • Power origin Concept: Wave Artes
    • No dependant requirements
  • Melee
    • Distance Concept: Close
    • No dependant requirements
  • Ranged
    • Distance Concept: Far
    • No dependant requirements
  • Piercing
    • High hit attacks
    • Low damage values
    • Associated Concept: Air
  • Slashing
    • Medium hit attacks
    • Medium damage values
    • Associated Concepts: Fire, Water, Light, and Dark
  • Bludgeoning
    • Low hit attacks
    • High damage values
    • Associated Concept: Earth
  • Shield
    • Low-medium hit defenses
    • Medium-high defense values
    • Type Resist: Physical, Melee
    • Start Guard
    • Gain Defense
  • Evasion
    • Medium-high hit defenses
    • Low-Medium defense values
    • Type Resist: Magical, Ranged
  • Earth
    • Low hit count
    • High value-per-hit
    • Bleeding
    • Thorn Bind
  • Water
    • Medium hit count
    • Medium value-per-hit
    • Heal over Time
    • Drowning
  • Fire
    • Medium hit count
    • Medium value-per-hit
    • Burning
    • Thorns
  • Air
    • High hit attacks
    • Low damage attacks
    • Drowning
    • Draw / Draw Up / Draw Down
  • Light
    • Medium hit count
    • Medium value-per-hit
    • Heal over Time
    • Blind
    • Start Guard
    • Gain Defense
  • Dark
    • Medium hit count
    • Medium value-per-hit
    • Facedown
    • Blind
    • Thorn Bind
    • Doom
  • Pharmacy
    • Heal over Time
  • Handle Monster
    • Thorns
  • Song
    • Draw / Draw Up / Draw Down
  • Enchanting
    • Attack Up / Down
    • Defense Up / Down
  • Divination
    • Draw / Draw Up / Draw Down
  • Sneaking
    • Facedown
  • Legerdemain
    • Facedown


Card Points

During active RP, people gain Card Points over time. These card points are spread at the 'rate' of your character's class. Someone with more Defense points will gain more Defense Card Points than they might other types.

There is also a catch-up mechanic that ensures people remain at least somewhat competitive, even when they are not actively RPing.


It is viable to earn Relics through Roleplay as Story Rewards. See the Relics tab for more information on Relics.

Single Use Cards

Similar to Relics, you can earn Single Use cards through RP. These are, as their name implies, Single Use. They're often useful for Projects or Combat - but the moment they're committed or played, they disappear from your ownership.

Gaining Concepts

An Applicant earns 1 Non Combat, 1 Combat, and 1 Power Path Point every 3 Months (12 weeks) of Activity on each Adventurer. Activity, in this case, is defined as getting the weekly Active RP bonus for a total of 12 weeks. This information will be denoted on their sheet. We'll refer to these as 'Activity Points' or 'Advancement Points', or in short: AP. Some paths can be started on, if they have a plot progression component, before getting the required AP. Inquiries go into the 'Progression' Job Category.

Note: No two progression paths may be run concurrently. The effort of a 'strange mood' or 'training' requires the character's full focus. The only exception to this is Power Path which can be run along side other progressions.

Non Combat

Learning a Special Profession for a +1 to an existing stat, up to a maximum of 4 in that Concept
Cost: 1 Non-Combat AP, up to twice a year.
This comes with a Plot related profession: Moonlight, Sage, or Pioneer.
Earning a Relic for a 0->1 to a new stat
Cost: 3 Non-Combat AP, up to once a year.
Comes with a new or upgraded relic.


Learning a Special Profession for a +1 to an existing Combat Stat, up to a maximum of 4 in that concept.
Cost: 1 Combat AP, up to twice a year.
This comes with a non-Plot-related profession.
Earning a Relic for a +1 to an existing Defensive Combat Stat, up to a maximum of 3 for defensive Concepts.
Cost: 3 Combat AP, up to once a year.
Comes with a new or upgraded relic.
Earning a Relic for a 0->1 to a new stat
Cost: 3 Combat AP, up to once a year.
Comes with a new or upgraded relic.

Power Path

Learning a Power Path (Hacking, Oracle, etc) for +1 to an existing stat
Cost: 4 Power Path AP (Only 1 path can be learned), up to once a year.
Learning a Power Path +1 adds a Power Path Aspect.
This comes with a Plot related progression.
Learning a Power Path (Hacking, Oracle, etc) for a 0->1 to a new stat (Max One per person)
Cost: 3 Power Path AP (Only 1 path can be learned), no relevant cooldown
Comes with 1 Aspect.
Comes with a new Relic.
This comes with a Plot related progression.


Relics are permanent additions or enhancements to your character. They can be something as simple as a special Mining Pick that gives you the Miner Concept, to something as extravagant as an armor that starts every round off with 2 Guard already prepared, but also gives a permanent Guard Down to indicate how slow that person moves in that armor.

Characters can have any number of Relics. But admin will look at the strength and range of those relics before rewarding further relics to a character.


Projects are this game's way of representing a single person, or a group's, longer-term goals that might need admin work. This can range from doing the research to start a story, deciphering a secret code, to constructing a new town in an area, to creating a new custom card.


In order to commit to a project, you put in a +request with admin using the Project category.

+job/request Project/Decrypt this Book=I got an encoded book from Liminality in scene 1234. I want to decrypt it.

Admin will from there-on create a Project that is assigned to you. From there, you can invite others to aid you. Projects will have two components:

Concept Point Requirements

You must commit cards to the project. These can not be in your decks at that time, and will be taken from your ownership during that time, until the project is completed. This is to represent that your character is dedicating a (significant) amount of their time to this project, and would not be fully battle capable if distracted from this.

If you yourself do not have cards that relate to the requirement, you can seek out allies to help you with this. If you commit more points to it, it will influence the time it takes.

Minimum Concept Points: The minimum amount of card points committed to making any progress on the project. These are expressed per concept required. The ratio is important when you want to speed up a project, as you need to increase all concepts in order to improve the time.


The amount of time that your project will take depends on the amount of Effort needed to do the work. Effort is an expression of both difficulty and the quantity of work.

Minimum Time: There is a Minimum amount of Time that you can't get around by putting in more Concept Points. You can refer to it as the 'too many cooks in the kitchen' time that you simply can't get around.

Initial Time: This is the amount of time the project will take, presuming you will meet the amount of Concept Points required. Doubling the number of committed Concept Points generally will mean a halving of the time.

Card Trading

During the course of play, Applicants may acquire a number of Special (single-use) cards from duties, festivals, or special events. Staff generally encourages players to use these rewards as part of projects, or to take inspiration from them to create their own Custom Cards. However, we understand that sometimes these rewards are just not what is needed at the time.

As such, any Special (single-use) card can be traded in, with the following limitations/exceptions:

  • Any card traded can only be replaced with a single-concept card of the same rarity.
    Example: An Uncommon card granting Earth, Construction, and Artisany is traded in. You request to receive a card with Etiquette. You will receive an Uncommon card granting only Etiquette.
  • You may NOT trade in cards for any Combat concept. (Only: Gather, Create, Communicate, Discover, or Tactical)
  • You may NOT trade in cards for restricted/power-path concepts such as: Transformation, System Protection, Loremaster, Data Drain, Hacker, Oracle or Legend.

Sample Card Trade Submission:

+job/request cards/Card Trade=May I please trade in my 'Big Bag of Coins' card for an uncommon card with the concept 'Construction'. Thank you.

Simple GM Scenes


The simplified GM style uses the character's card stats and a simple 2d6 roll for resolving challenges.


+roll Concept with Card Name

Setting a Target Number

In order to set the 'difficulty' of a task, this is a simple chart. Note that '2' is missing, as we expect people to be skilled at what they do, and a '2' always succeeds.

Target Number (TN) Difficulty Ex: Ranged Ex: Melee Ex: Scripture Ex: Physical
3-5 Easy Shooting someone point-blank Cutting a training dummy Answering a highschool level question Opening a jar of pickles
6-8 Middling Shooting someone semi-aware and moving Piercing a Goblin Answering a college-level question Bodycheck someone
9-10 Difficult Shooting someone bobbing and weaving Wounding a powerful Lander Answering a professional-level question Kicking down a door
11-12 Really Difficult Shooting someone behind very solid cover Punching a Black rated Monster Answering a doctorate-level question Wrestling a Wyvern

Challenge Successes & Health

A challenge has a certain amount of 'successes' it needs to remove a 'dot' of progress. A simple challenge will only have 1 dot of progress. But if you need something to be a 'multi-round task', you can give it multiple 'dots' or 'hp'.

The big thing to keep in mind here is the following:

  • If the number of Successes is not reached within a round, the progress resets (to represent momentum upon a task)
  • Overage on successes per round does not contribute to Dot / HP progress (to scale something into guaranteed multi-rounds)
  • Only allow each Unique Card (by name) to be rolled once per scene.


A door

Challenge: Door (Physical 7) - 2 successes, 1 HP

This door needs 2 people to succeed in a round to make progress on getting down this door.

Named Soldier

Challenge: John Swordman (Any Combat Concept 8) - 4 successes, 2 HP

'John Swordman' will last at least 2 rounds, and needs 4 people to hit a middling-to-difficult check to 'deal with them'.

Each round, depending on when John's turn is, John rolls Evasion or Shield or similar, to set the Target Difficulty for their rolls to 'avoid damage'.

Opening a Trapped Lock

Challenge: Trapped Lock (Legerdemain 12) - 1 successes, 1 HP

A critical lock that gets in the way of their retreat! If they fail to meet this challenge, you can either make it 'take longer, and the Adventurers all take 1 HP of damage' or add some other complication.

Running an On-Foot GM Scene

Starting things off

At the start of an encounter, each person gets <Rounds> amount of HP.

For larger scenes, it is recommended to use <3>.

@create HP Bar
@parent HP Bar=#809
@set HP Bar=!no_command
drop HP Bar

Creating your own HP bar will let you keep track of progress easily. Players and the GM can add notes.

Running an Encounter

Try to give everyone something to do. If they run out of successes to deal within a round, allow them to do things that lower the Target Number of an upcoming roll.

Searching a Room for Clues

When doing a search through an area, set target numbers to search for clues on multiple things, like a Computer, a Cabinet, etc. If they don't succeed the Target Number, it is okay to say they don't find anything in that room. If it's an important clue, give them another go next round. Or, if they don't find the critical information, have the HP dots represent 'Party Morale', and lower it by 1 for the group for not getting what they expected to find.

Challenge: Written Secrets (Cryptography 11) - 1 successes, 1 HP

Challenge: Search The Room (Searching 9) - 4 successes, 1 HP

Challenge: Open Locked Drawers (Legerdemain 8) - 2 successes, 1 HP

A round of battle

When doing a combat round, consider creating 2 enemies to split amongst. Set their TNs to hit to 7 or 8, and set the successes to 'everyone, half, rounded down, minus 1'. So for instance, if you have 9 players, set your TN at 7, and require 4 successes to overcome the opponent. If they fail to overcome the encounter in that 'round', roll a Combat Concept and set the DC to defend. If the players responding to that Target Number fail to succeed, they lose an HP.

Challenge: John Swordman (Combat 7) - 4 successes, 1 HP

Challenge: Hajime Ippo (Combat 8) - 4 successes, 1 HP

A Big Boss Battle

When doing a boss battle, use the above rule of thumb. But set the encounter's <HP> to 3 if the boss goes first, or 4 if the players go first. You can balance the pressure by rolling twice, and taking the highest. If the enemy team manages to win a round and has an extra roll or two, you can let them create interference - lowering the TN for 1 round, or maybe making the boss roll twice to attack, and take lowest. Feel out what you prefer.

Challenge: Biggy Bossmang (Combat 8) - 4 successes, 3 HP

Challenge: Right Handmang (Combat 7) - 4 successes, 3 HP

Example Combat

Players roll before they pose, to help the GM prewrite.

Challenge: John Swordman (Combat 7) - 2 successes, 2/2 HP
Challenge: Hajime Ippo (Combat 8) - 2 successes, 2/2 HP

[OOC] Player A says, "Johny, with gun"
[DUTY - INFO] Player A rolls 2d6 + 3 (Ranged with Tremor) for a Total of 9.
[DUTY - INFO] Player A challenged an easy Ranged challenge and Barely Succeeded (9/7) at it.
[OOC] Player B says, "Johny, running in with a sword"
[DUTY - INFO] Player B rolls 2d6 + 2 (Melee with Hammer Strike) for a Total of 14.
[DUTY - INFO] Player B challenged a simple Melee challenge and Heavily Succeeded (14/7) at it.
[OOC] Player C says, "Johny, flame-punching him in the face"
[DUTY - INFO] Player C rolls 2d6 + 10 (Fire with Ragnarok's Wisdom) for a Total of 21.
[DUTY - INFO] Player C challenged a near-guaranteed Fire challenge and Heavily Succeeded (21/7) at it.
[OOC] Player D says, "Jimmy, using my special wind bow"
[DUTY - INFO] Player D rolls 2d6 + 3 (Air with Shock) for a Total of 8.
[DUTY - INFO] Player D challenged an easy Air challenge and Barely Succeeded (8/7) at it.
[OOC] Player E says, "Jimmy, throwing daggers at him"
[DUTY - INFO] Player E rolls 2d6 + 2 (Ranged) for a Total of 11.
[DUTY - INFO] Player E challenged a simple Ranged challenge and Succeeded (11/7) at it.

<player poses follow>

<gm pose>

[OOC] GM says, "Jimmy and Johny are both down 1 HP. They are attacking by means of Fire - so roll Evasion or Shield to defend. They are challenging, so they will take the highest of two rolls."

[DUTY - INFO] Liminality rolls 2d6 + 5 (Fire) for a Total of 12.
[DUTY - INFO] Liminality challenged a near-guaranteed Fire challenge and Succeeded (12/7) at it.
[DUTY - INFO] Liminality rolls 2d6 + 5 (Fire) for a Total of 11.
[DUTY - INFO] Liminality challenged a near-guaranteed Fire challenge and Succeeded (11/7) at it.

[OOC] GM says, "Target Number is 12"

[DUTY - INFO] Player A rolls 2d6 + 1 (Evasion) for a Total of 3.
[DUTY - INFO] Player A challenged a simple Evasion challenge and Heavily Failed (3/7) at it.
[OOC] Player A says, "I got hit. Down to 2 HP."
[DUTY - INFO] Player B rolls 2d6 + 1 (Evasion) for a Total of 3.
[DUTY - INFO] Player B challenged a simple Evasion challenge and Heavily Failed (3/7) at it.
[OOC] Player B says, "I got hit. Down to 2 HP."
[DUTY - INFO] Player C rolls 2d6 + 1 (Evasion) for a Total of 12.
[DUTY - INFO] Player C challenged a simple Evasion challenge and Heavily Succeeded (12/7) at it.
[OOC] Player C says, "Safe."

Challenge: John Swordman (Combat 7) - 2 successes, 1/2 HP
Challenge: Hajime Ippo (Combat 8) - 2 successes, 1/2 HP

<we start again at the top of the round>

General Tips


As poses and numbers come in, start writing up the response ahead of time. Don't wait for the last pose to come in before you start writing your big GM pose.

Succeed Together

As a GM, it is your job to knit and entwine player actions. Especially in a boss encounter. If a character fails a roll, but the whole team succeeded a challenge, set them up narratively to help someone else succeed. Make things feel good. Help the characters interact together.

Duty Finder

Temporary Guide: