Game Code/Resolution System/Card Trading

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Card Trading

During the course of play, Applicants may acquire a number of Special (single-use) cards from duties, festivals, or special events. Staff generally encourages players to use these rewards as part of projects, or to take inspiration from them to create their own Custom Cards. However, we understand that sometimes these rewards are just not what is needed at the time.

As such, any Special (single-use) card can be traded in, with the following limitations/exceptions:

  • Any card traded can only be replaced with a single-concept card of the same rarity.
    Example: An Uncommon card granting Earth, Construction, and Artisany is traded in. You request to receive a card with Etiquette. You will receive an Uncommon card granting only Etiquette.
  • You may NOT trade in cards for any Combat concept. (Only: Gather, Create, Communicate, Discover, or Tactical)
  • You may NOT trade in cards for restricted/power-path concepts such as: Transformation, System Protection, Loremaster, Data Drain, Hacker, Oracle or Legend.

Sample Card Trade Submission:

+job/request cards/Card Trade=May I please trade in my 'Big Bag of Coins' card for an uncommon card with the concept 'Construction'. Thank you.