Power Paths

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There are six main 'system powers' that stand central to the game world that can be picked up by characters through various means that will be made clear over the course of the game's plot. In general, a character holding one means they are excluded from holding any of the others.


The sources of these powers are multiple, but not all of them can be discussed without revealing much about the metaplot except for one at this time, as it related to our integration files.

Unique Item

A Power can be obtained by holding Unique Objects, such as Kite's Twilight Bracelet: granting him the power of Data Drain.

The Six Great Powers

System Protection

A Stalwart World

When chaos reigns, only System Protection can reinforce rule where there is none. System Protection grants the user the ability to lock a piece of the world away from harm and alteration for a limited period of time.

Examples: None

The Loremaster

The World Laid Bare

Sometimes, knowledge is the greatest weapon. For what lies hidden, may become seen only by you. Loremaster permits the user to glean knowledge that might otherwise be hidden, by understanding the data that underlies the world around them. They can discern Rumor from Fact, and Truth from Secrets.

Examples: Shiroe


Change The World

Unlock places that were previously locked, and change the properties of existing objects. Hackers are able to adjust non-living objects and alter them in meaningful ways, or open doors that were once left locked.

Examples: Helba


The World Trusts You

People of the Land are said to look up to those known to be legends in the world. Legends influence People of the Land in ways that others can not without significant work. They are not just 'well known' throughout the land, but garner innate recognition.

Examples: Balmung


The World's Speaker

Permits limited communication beyond the normal limits. The Oracle's role is the most mysterious of all. Seeing beyond what even Divination could possibly discern, and speaking beyond what a normal Chim-Link might pull off.

Examples: None

Data drain

Extract The World's Data

Battle ‘indestructible’ beings of the world, and take what data those around you carry by force. Those who hold Data Drain have historically been known as those who eradicate bugs and extract information from living beings directly.

Examples: Kite