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Race / Human

Crusader / Heavy Blade


Known as a lady knight of high moral caliber and impenetrable defenses, in the potent class of Crusader, Darkness is a wandering champion in the style of the knights errant of medieval times in Europe or the wandering Ronin of Japan. She would gain a lot more recognition if her real name, Lalatina Ford Dustiness was used, however, due to her being the daughter of a famous and very wealthy real-world CEO, Ignis Ford Dustiness, who has used his business influence to obtain great in-game wealth and prestige to match his off-line holdings.

"I am a crusader. It is my duty to defend the innocent. I can not stand by and do nothing when they are in danger." - Darkness



Additional Information

Alliance: Olympus Alliance
Kingdom: The Realm of Uruk
Skills: I AM THE LAW!, Lots Of Stamina, Meat Shield, Noble Masochist, Permanent Accuracy Debuff, Rich Ojou-sama, Rock-Hard Muscles


Name Date Summary
Apocalypse I-a - Apocalypse Now 2020 July 12th
10...       9...         8...

The old year is coming to an end. Some players are gathered in the various Kingdom squares. There are no guilds here. Only people celebrating the coming of a new year. Comraderie.

7...        6...         5...

The excitement rises with each number subtracted. People hold eachother by the shoulders, smiling up at the enormous letters displayed in the skies by the administration. Other people are at various New Year events. A group of Grunty Races try to make it over the finish line in time to win their prize!

4...        3...         2...

The visual display grows dim for a moment. A little flicker. And then... a sound.

A single tone.



As all realize they are in their Kingdom of origin, gathered throughout the city...

As something is happening in the skies.
The First Respawn 2020 July 15th
The first PC death, appearing at the Church in Carmina Gadelica, the Town of Beginnings. There might be curiosity? Information to gather? What happens after death? So many questions and more.
Apocalypse IV - Rescue 2020 July 19th
With some of the people of Ezzo already getting off of Ezzo, thanks to the hurried preparations of various Adventurers, more money is being put towards getting even more off of the island. But with the constant movement of ships, people have started to draw attention from things that lurk Beneath the Waters...
You Can Busk If You Want To 2020 August 6th
Miyako is sitting in the Hostess with her guitar, amusing herself with some music and chatting with whoever happens to wander in. It's a nice day to sit around the pub.
Climb: The Floor 5 Boss 2021 January 17th
A good amount of time has passed, but the Fifth Floor has so far gone undefeated. It appears the Floor Boss escaped to battle room and is wandering the massive ruined city of Karluin - occupied by massive roving groups of Goblins. Luckily, thanks to Prophylaxis' negotiation tactics, the Scale Emblem Alliance has a new ally in their search to continue their climb.

And their new ally has a particular dislike for Goblins.
Duty Session 192: Escort Quest: Artificial Stupidity 2021 January 20th
A Lander stands just at the exit of town with a familiar quest marker being offered. Apparently, they need to travel to a nearby location which requires traversing through rough terrain, filled with monsters. So, they have reached out to brave Adventurers to help guide them on their way!

It's just a simple escort mission. What could go wrong?

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 198: Obligatory Rat Cellar 2021 February 7th
In each of the starting cities, there are at least a couple of poor merchant landers who have developed mysterious rat problems. This is clearly bad for business! A worried looking Lander stands outside their shop, rubbing their hands together, looking anxious, flagging down any passing Adventurer they can find to help.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None