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Race / Were Fang

Summoner / Heavy Blade


One of the three 'office folk' who decided to play together. A younger to middle aged gentleman with lactose intolerance, he used to work at the same news company as Dowafu and Erufu until recently. He joined Dowafu and Erefu in the hopes of keeping things even between the two of them. He's oft considered the lynchpin in the relationship between the two, and the reason that their friendship works. He's the straight man with a calculating mind and the desire to help. He joined Elder Tale Online with the other two in order to continue up that role - and to figure out some of the mysteries of the world! He never leaves his Were Fang form.

""One day I will become a dragon." - Rizadoman" - Rizadoman

Goblin Slayer


Additional Information

Alliance: New World Alliance
Kingdom: The Realm of Uruk
Skills: One Day Will Become A Dragon, Skeleton Warriors!, Necromancer???, Lactose Intolerant, But Not In Elder Tale Online !


Name Date Summary
Obsidian: Clearing the Ruins 2020 December 19th
After the recent successful mission, a group of Adventurers have approached the mysterious 'Goblin Slayer', and have managed to convince him to help them clear an area of Ruins... of Goblins. Noting the sheer amount of Goblins reportedly present in this particular set of ruins, they've additionally extended the invitation to further members of the Hunters Guild.
Duty Session 170: Goblins in the Rotting Forest 2020 December 27th
A request goes up on the Hunters Guild board, paid for by the Eastal Free League's Council of Four. A region close to Fort Ouph, near where the Third and Fourth combined Wave was, Goblins have shown up - and they are not sure where they are actually coming from. Adventurers are being sent to investigate their origin, and to stop the Goblins from doing any further harm to the forest..

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Success protects the Eastal Free League forest from dying off to a mysterious illness.
Festival: Light the Night 2021 January 9th
Near the end of the Summer Festival, many people gather on the shorelines for an evening of feasting, festivities, and fireworks. Bring your best bathing suit and enjoy time with friends.

(Casual social event.)
Duty Session 180: The Tides of Summer 2021 January 10th
During the Summer Beach Festival, it is common for Landers and Adventurers alike to make use of the beaches around Yamato. It is rare to see monsters during this time of year, but it does still happen. Enough so that some people are stationed at the shoreline, ready to spot anything that might come from the sea. It is one of these calls to arms that has brought Adventurers to the shoreline, ready to fight.

OOC: This dungeon is only available during The Summer Beach Festival. This is largely a combat-based Duty.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Climb: The Floor 5 Boss 2021 January 17th
A good amount of time has passed, but the Fifth Floor has so far gone undefeated. It appears the Floor Boss escaped to battle room and is wandering the massive ruined city of Karluin - occupied by massive roving groups of Goblins. Luckily, thanks to Prophylaxis' negotiation tactics, the Scale Emblem Alliance has a new ally in their search to continue their climb.

And their new ally has a particular dislike for Goblins.
Duty Session 193: Goblins in Mac Anu 2021 January 20th
The sightings of Goblins have raised significantly within Mac Anu. Nobody has figured out the source of the Goblins yet, but the Hunters Guild is sending teams down into its sewers to lower its monster numbers and get an idea where the movements are coming from.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Presence in Mac Anu and unlock a plot project.
Duty Session 206: A Dark and Stormy Night 2021 February 1st
During the Storm Festival, it is common for Adventurers to gather indoors at a local inn or tavern. Any place to get away from the heavy rains and piercing wind. However, on one such Dark and Stormy Night, a Lander has come inside from the storm, bringing with them an unusual quest. They are tasked to brave the storm and face wind elementals in order to gather some strange alchemical ingredient.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Storm Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based, with some minor uses of other concept types.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Race the Storm 2021 February 3rd
A dangerous peko race which is held during the height of one of the summer storms. Pekos and their riders will be tested to the extremes of their endurance.

(OOC: Uses standard card+concept rolls and the existing Peko race rules. Concepts used will be: Air, Water, Animal Handling, Shield, and Searching)
Duty Session 215: Spinner's Deep 2021 February 10th
After the efforts of many Adventurers to finally clear out the creatures from within the mines on the Isle of Beginnings, the Landers are finally able to return to their work. However, the first miners have reported an unusual room within the first levels of the mine.

The room seems to be the source of the previous infestation, but now shows a strange glowing arcane circle that refuses to allow them to pass. The Landers have reached out to the Hunter's Guild, seeking capable Adventurers to find out what lies beyond this strange device.

What is certain, is that the spiders in the mines now known as Spinner's End, had to have come from somewhere. Danger lies on the unknown path ahead. Are you brave enough to face it?

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 217: Clearing Castle Eas 2021 February 14th
With the discovery of the Castle Eas, Baroness Wake has called upon her fellow adventurers, seeking aid in clearing out the orcs that currently occupy it. The Castle lies in the mountains of the Fourland Dukedom, set upon a waterfall.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: The clearing of the castle will allow for it to be repaired and used for the benefit of People of the Land and Adventurers.
Duty Session 222: Goblins in Mac Anu 2021 February 21st
The sightings of Goblins have raised significantly within Mac Anu. Nobody has figured out the source of the Goblins yet, but the Hunters Guild is sending teams down into its sewers to lower its monster numbers and get an idea where the movements are coming from.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Presence in Mac Anu and unlock a plot project.
Duelist League: Fukasa Yuri vs Uta 2021 February 24th
Rumors spread across Yamato. Fukasa Yuri, who is known to have been a top-tier PVPer, is going up against Uta Furore, who is known to... just do her thing. It is notable that both fighters are members of Crescent Moon, so this will be a great opportunity for the guild to show off both how good its experienced members are, and how good the mentoring they give to newbies can be.

Everyone else can just join to see two people beating each other up. Because, seriously, who doesn't enjoy watching two people beating each other up?
Wave of Calamity: 6 2021 March 5th
The Sixth Wave of Calamity looms... as the clouds over the Ninetails Dominion loom, a ways north-west from the Root City, over the farmlands. With only 48 hours on the timer.

> If you attended Floor 6's raid, you are unlikely to be able to travel here in time.
Duty Session 236: The Mountain Memorial 2021 March 13th
During the time of the Firefly Festival, it is common for people to seek out old memorials in order to pay tribute to those who have passed. However, not all remembrance sights are easy to reach and some have been overrun by monsters over the years. A group of travelers have reached out to the Hunter's Guild, looking for aid from Adventurers in order to trek to a memorial stone seated high in the mountains. It will be a dangerous journey, but they seem willing to brave it in order to honor their ancestors.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Firefly Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Curing the Wood 2021 March 30th
Prophylaxis leads a team with the support of the Hunter's Guild and the Goblin Slayer Team to try and clear out the Goblins that have infested the region beneath the forest to the west of Fort Ouph.

> Completion of this scene will result in the closing of the 'Goblins in the Rotting Forest' Duty. So be sure to run it before then!
Obsidian: The Goblins of Mac Anu 2021 April 8th
With the Mac Anu treasure map completed, the Adventurers have finally gotten enough of an idea about where the Goblins under Mac Anu are coming from, and start approaching on their position. This is a two-part sequence of battles and will be prelude the last Obsidian scene.
Obsidian: Mirror Mirror 2021 April 9th
With the Mac Anu treasure map completed, the Adventurers have finally gotten enough of an idea about where the Goblins under Mac Anu are coming from, and have managed to get to the target location. This is a two-part sequence, and follows directly from 'Obsidian: The Goblins of Mac Anu'.
Explanations! 2021 April 12th
Festival: Fall Peko Race 2021 April 13th
With falling leaves and cooling temperatures, it seems the perfect time for the racers of Yamato to get together for another race. However, by now, everyone is well aware that these races are hardly simple. New, life-threatening challenges await the riders and their mounts.

(OOC: This will use standard Peko-racing event process. You may choose a Peko with a special ability and two cards to help you. Rolls will be card+concept. Concepts for this race are: Handle Animal, Farming, Fire, Evasion, Cartography)
Festival: In Defense of Dinner 2021 April 17th
It was supposed to be a nice, outdoor banquet, with the Landers of the Fourland Dukedom celebrating along side their Adventurer counterparts. It was supposed to be a night of food, drink, and good cheer.

It was supposed to be...

Unfortunately, the local group of bandits have other plans.

(OOC: Combat focused Event. Card+combat style event with duty-like challenges.)
Duty Session 263: Threat to the Harvest 2021 April 18th
During the Harvest Festival, there are many who take to the fields to bring in the summer crops. However, there are also those who would like to claim those bountiful harvests for themselves. The Hunter's Guild has hired Adventurers to protect those Landers who have been tasked with working the fields. It sounds like a boring, simple task, but they wouldn't spend the money hiring defenders if there weren't real dangers looming.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Harvest Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 274: Grunty Drive 2021 May 2nd
A porcelain quest has been offered to the Hunters Guild. A small consortium of Lander ranchers would like adventurers to drive their Grunties to market. The party will have to cover a fair distance, involving camping outdoors, warding off predators, and negotiating the sale of the grunties at the end destination. The request requires the delivery of the majority of the herd to the market town and their successful sale.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Wave Of Calamity: 7 2021 May 3rd
The Seventh Wave of Calamity looms. As the clouds loom over the southern parts of the Fourland Dukedom, over the Rulid Kingdom. With only 42 hours on the timer.

> If you attended FLoor 7's raid, you are unlikely to be able to travel here in time.
Duty Session 278: Spooky Scary Skeletons 2021 May 7th
During the Shadow Festival, the number of dark element monsters and undead seems to increase across the lands of Yamato. In the desert landscape of the Holy Empire Westelande, this is a particular problem, as the harsh desert seems to yield even more of these monsters. The Hunter's Guild has reached out to Adventurers, hoping to quell the numbers of undead before they become a threat to Breg Epona.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Shadow Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
To talk of many things 2021 May 10th
Duty Session 286: Still Coast Pirates 2021 May 13th
After many raids by capable Adventurers, the Bandit camps along the shoreline around the Isle of Beginnings have all but been wiped out. However, the source of the Bandits still remains. A pirate ship has often been spotted along the waterways, taking advantage of the increased trade between the Kingdoms following the Apocalypse.

After a recent plunder of intoxicating beverages, the pirates are in high spirits. It is the perfect time for the Adventurers to sneak onboard and investigate the source of the pirate threat. The Hunter's Guild is offering a reward for such intel.

Note: This is a lighthearted investigation duty.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Improve efficiency of trade by waterways.
Duty Session 289: Obligatory Rat Cellar 2021 May 16th
In each of the starting cities, there are at least a couple of poor merchant landers who have developed mysterious rat problems. This is clearly bad for business! A worried looking Lander stands outside their shop, rubbing their hands together, looking anxious, flagging down any passing Adventurer they can find to help.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None
Wave of Calamity: 8 2021 May 21st
The eight Wave of Calamity looms. As the clouds loom over the Holy Empire Westeland, they seem to focus over an Oasis off in the distance, known for a particular undead presence. With only 40 hours on the timer.

> If you attended Floor 8's raid, you are unlikely to be able to travel here in time.
Dragon Head: Coal Mines 2021 May 22nd
After a significant amount of mining, the inevitable has happened. Following the sounds of a quake, Olympus' coal mines have had a collapse, trapping some of the Lander and Adventurer coal miners. A team is being sent in to save them.
NWA Meet & Greet 2021 May 24th
An alliance wide meeting for those in the New World Alliance. To allow the new and old members to meet and put faces to voices from the chimlink . It will also be the time to make sure everyone is clear on goals and wants of the alliance.
    If you can't make it and have something you want said feel free to volunteer someone to be your voice by proxy.
Carnival nights and Olympian Imps 2021 May 26th
A Priest and Doctor walk into a bar. 2021 May 30th
Duty Session 305: Abandoned Springs 2021 May 30th
During the Hot Springs Festival, there are often times that new springs find themselves bubbling to the surface. Sometimes, old, abandoned locations can find themselves flowing with fresh, clean water once more. The Hunter's Guild has reached out to Adventurers about one such location, which seems to have attracted some unusual activity around it. They are looking for people to clear out any monster activity around the site.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Hot Springs Festival. This quest is exploration and combat-based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Mountain Peko Race 2021 June 1st
The mountains are dangerous territory, especially during the Hot Springs Festival. Rocky turrain combined with an incrase of monster activity makes for a truly difficult track. It will challenge riders and mounts to their limits.

(OOC: Standard card+concept Peko Race format. All Adventurers are welcome and may choose to own or 'borrow' a Peko for the race. Concepts to be used: Handle Animal, Fire, Earth, Water, Shield/Evasion.)
Festival: Hot Springs Pool Party 2021 June 5th
The Adventurers have taken over one of the local Hot Springs, allowing full access to a huge expanse of large pools. The hot water wards off the cooler air of the mountain evenings, offering rest and rejuvination. Show off your best (or worst) bathing attire, splash about with your friends, appreciate the mountain views.

(OOC: Non-GMed, open social scene. Light-hearted, easy-going hot springs shenanigans.)
Wave of Calamity: 9 2021 June 11th
With only 39 hours on the clock, the Landers' protectors move to prepare against the upcoming Wave in the Holy Empire Westelande, right over Kogushi, the port city.
Duty Session 314: Is It Wrong to Pick Up Slimes in a Dungeon? 2021 June 12th
There are plenty of places in Alne that seem to have been left abandoned up until recently. The influx of Adventurers and Landers have caused empty areas of the city to become occupied in quick order. As the city is surrounded by water, it is also particularly prone to infestations of slimes. Landers are reporting that they are having trouble getting water into some areas of the city. They are asking for Adventurers who might be brave enough to face the sewers and waterways beneath the city to clear out some of the slimes in order to help get the water flowing again.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Increases in clean water availability in Alne.
Interview with a doctor 2021 June 14th
Duty Session 318: Totally Typical Tomb 2021 June 20th
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Festival: Winter Peko Race 2021 June 23rd
The last Peko race of the year. This one is held across a frozen and icy landscape, challenging mounts and riders against the elements.

(Standard Peko Race Rules - Concepts: Water, Shield, Hunting, Fire, Animal Handling.)
War in the Waterpocket 2021 June 30th
With the Trident's function discovered, and its activation secured, the New World Alliance team begins to move upon the Leviathan's coils in order to reach the gem hidden within the surrounded former kingdom of the Undine.
A New Year - Tsushima 2021 July 11th
A new year begins for the Adventurers, bringing new stories, and new adventures. There are celebrations occurring in Alne, but a small group is attending their celebration at Tsushima Shrine in order to hand off a blue gem.
Of Mutual Interests 2021 July 16th
A delegation from Olympus requests a meeting with New World leadership to discuss issues of mutual import, especially in light of recent events.
A Distant Voyage 2021 July 18th
After making preparations, a group of Adventurers heads out by ship to try to discover a new land. There is no telling what sort of challenges they will face, or if they will even find their way, with a vast ocean stretching out as far as the horizon.

(OOC: First run of a new +duty. Largely focused on members of NWA who were part of the side-plot for the New Year. Aka. Jazuhanzu and friends. This +duty will open to everyone once successful.)
Adventurers vs ??? 2021 July 24th
It's another day at the newly established Seeker's Landing as the Adventurers in the Palace Lands prepare to live up to their name by adventuring out into the unknown. However, before they get that chance, some uninvited guests show up at their camp. And they're none too happy about the Adventurers' presence.

    Combat scene using fairly typical boss fight rules. Naturally you need to have access to the Palace Lands (by completing the A Distant Voyage duty) to participate.
Quest for Water 2021 July 27th
Rizadoman and gang are setting out on an expedition to find a fresh source of water. Starting out from the camp they will be heading westward. Through new lands they will travel and hopefully they will find what they quest for.

Note: This will be ran like a duty, bring your top three cards that you think could possibly help you brave the unknown. If you want to attend you need to have run the ' A Distant Voyage' duty.
Duty Session 336: Totally Typical Tomb 2021 July 30th
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Forging ahead 2021 August 7th
Miho gets a guest at the forge she didn't think was in Yamato. What could Rizdoman want?
Duty Session 340: A Distant Voyage 2021 August 7th
A new year has begun, and the way has been opened. Only the bravest of souls seems willing to risk the long journey that may bring them to other lands, beyond.

Stormy seas beacon. Leviathans lurk in the depths. The unknown expanses of the ocean call to those with an adventurous heart. But will they survive to find out what lies beyond the edge of Yamato?

OOC: This +duty requires a minimum of a week of travel. Please plan accordingly around time-sensitive events.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Access to the 'Land of Dragons'.
Palace Lands: Ruins of the Ancient 2021 August 10th
The scouting party moves further Westward to a region surrounded by hills and mountains, trying to investigate ruins spotted from the distance.
Palace Lands: Battle on the Big Bridge 2021 August 21st
The Palace Lands team reaches a very peculiar tree standing before a man constructed bridge, revealing the presence of a civilization in the lands they have landed within. But something stands in their way upon the bridge.
Duty Session 349: Travel with Triffids 2021 August 28th
The Mage's Tower has put out a request through the Hunter's Guild. There is a rare monster migration, a rare subspecies of ambulatory water dwelling Triffids are traveling to their ancestral breeding grounds. These carnivorous plants have become very hard to gather given the Leviathans, their rare components are much in demand. Where they come ashore and where they're traveling to are both known, but the route they take wanders so there may be some trouble locating them in transit.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Safer routes near Ninetails Dominion.
Duty Session 350: Obligatory Rat Maze 2021 August 29th
It has been a year of Adventurers delving into the underground of various cities across Yamato, seeking to eliminate the rat infestation that has caused so many shopkeepers trouble. After all this time, something finally seems to have changed. The shopkeeper's dialogue has changed, explaining that while repairing their cellars, they found a passageway into a deeper part of the underground. Since then, rats have been finding their way up through the previously sealed passage.

Now, they are seeking brave Adventurers who are willing to, once again, explore the tunnels beneath the city, in order to seek out this new source of rats.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None
Palace Lands: Dol Dona 2021 September 3rd
The Adventurers, after passing by small villages and the small mercenary bands that protect them, finally arrive to the mysterious forested City of Dol Dona.
Festival: Bonded Heart Peko Race 2021 September 7th
Peko Racing is a celebration of the bond between rider and mount. The first race of the new year's racing tournament promises to test not only the mettle of those racing, but the bond between them and their mounts.

(OOC: Standard peko-race rules. Concepts/Challenges used: Handle Animal, Shield/Evasion, Sneaking/Dark, Fire/Tailoring, Herbology/Cooking.)
Festival: Shoot Down the Sun 2021 September 9th
On the outskirts of a village within the Palace Lands, at the edges of the Thor Kingdom, the Adventurers come across a man who requests their aid in 'destroying the Sun that rises to the West'.

(OOC: Standard Liminality +event of Mysteriousness)
Palace Lands: The City of Naval Monte 2021 September 18th
Some of the Adventurers who landed in the Palace Lands are taking a boat trip to check out Naval Monte in order to find the largest amount of the Palace Land Adventurers and get familiar with the lands.
Weapon Delivery 2021 September 19th
Miho Delivers Rizadoman's new weapon while she's in the middle of a Fae Mood.
NWA In the Library with the Tea. 2021 September 21st
Duty Session 363: Slime Machine 2021 September 26th
A steel quest has been offered at the Hunter's Guild, to locate a dungeon of slimes along the northeast of Eastal, and to clear it of monsters. There are rumors that the place was the location of an old elemental machine.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Lowered slime presence in Eastal
Palace Lands: The City of Lumina Cloth 2021 September 27th
Some of the Adventurers who landed in the Palace Lands are taking a boat trip to check out Lumina Cloth - needing to trek inland after a trip - in order to find the largest amount of the Palace Land Adventurers and get familiar with the lands.
Duty Session 365: Totally Typical Tomb 2021 September 28th
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Duty: Distant voyages 2021 October 2nd
Hey are you new to the game and want to run a duty? Do you still need access to the palace lands? Come one and all to sail the ocean blue with us and get access to the peaceful palace lands. All are welcoe.
Duty Session 372: The Phantom Colosseum 2021 October 10th
In the effort to clear out the colosseum on the phantom atoll, a party is formed and sets out to explore and fight on the island to try to help clear out the monsters there. Due to several monster nests on the island, it is likely to be a difficult fight ahead.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       4
World Rewards: Victories bring the colosseum one step closer to being cleared of its Sahuagin 'owners' and towards falling into Adventurer hands.
Meeting the Adventurers: Shibuya 2021 October 13th
Some of the members of the Palace Lands come to visit the Yamato region. They've heard of a place named Shibuya where Adventurers live, and have come to visit.
After the Palace Landers depart 2021 October 13th
Amongst The Stars 2021 October 17th
Giganpor and a few of his friends join in on a Ninetails Dominion party, celebrating the new connection to the Palace Lands - only to be met with a disturbance.
The Afterparty 2021 October 17th
Spicy ChitChat 2021 October 22nd
Festival: The Bun-Bun Wave 2021 October 29th
Adventurers have long been eliminating monsters en-masse upon the 'Aincrad Island', allowing the wildlife to prosper. However, as wilflife prospers, so do the BunBuns. And with so many monsters eliminated around the Carmina and Alne region, a large sum of them which have recently gained adulthood move upon Alne in order to sate their hunger.
Duty Session 380: A Clucking Disaster 2021 November 1st
Things have gone very wrong on one of the local farms. With the start of the Bun-Bun Festival, the Clucks have also started to act out. They are causing trouble all around the farm. The owners are looking for capable adventurers who might be able to help them with their big Clucking problem.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Bun-Bun Festival. This quest is a mix of combat and non-combat concepts.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 381: Reclaim the Peko Fort 2021 November 6th
Through the Hunter's guild the Peko Knights have put in a request for help. It appears that a small but key outpost of the Peko Knight's has fallen to Helena's undead forces. They are seeking a brave band of adventurers to help clear the problem, in exchange the Peko Knight is willing to loan out the outpost to the alliances, once it is clear.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduced danger from Helena's undead forces.
Duty Session 382: A Distant Voyage 2021 November 10th
A new year has begun, and the way has been opened. Only the bravest of souls seems willing to risk the long journey that may bring them to other lands, beyond.

Stormy seas beacon. Leviathans lurk in the depths. The unknown expanses of the ocean call to those with an adventurous heart. But will they survive to find out what lies beyond the edge of Yamato?

OOC: This +duty requires a minimum of a week of travel. Please plan accordingly around time-sensitive events.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Access to the 'Land of Dragons'.
Wave Of Calamity: 10 2021 November 19th
The tenth Wave of Calamity hits well beyond the borders of Yamato - right near Lumina Cloth. The few elements of the Yamato Adventurers move to try and assist, but they lack the typical raid forces during an invasion like this. Tensions run high between the Yamato forces and those of the Palace Lands.

> There is an expected lower turnout, ICly.
> Be aware, due to the War of The Dragons plot launch, there is a high risk of Memory Loss in this scene!
War of Dragons: Seekers Landing 2021 November 23rd
All of the boats that would be stationed at Seeker's Landing are out at the moment, and a single Palace Lands Navy vessel has blockaded the location. Sending longboats for landings and assauling them from across the waters! It's a life or death situation. And Seeker's Landing has not been made aware of what has happened at the Wave - which ended two days ago - or if any rescue is coming!

> Have you been stationed at Seeker's Landing, and holding out against the enemy assault?
> Are you here to evacuate Seeker's Landing?

This is a rescue scene with reasonable odds. Typical Boss rules apply.
The Way Home: Desperate Need 2021 November 27th
As the team is on their way back from the Palace Lands, they start running desperately low on food. Some of the food they'd brough has gone bad due to an invasive insect species having gotten into their supplies. Luckily, there is an island nearby where they can gather food by hunting beasts and gathering nuts and fruits.

This is a non-GMed event during which Liminality will be around for questions and scene prompts.
Farewell 2021 November 30th
Duty Session 394: The Tides of Summer 2021 December 11th
During the Summer Beach Festival, it is common for Landers and Adventurers alike to make use of the beaches around Yamato. It is rare to see monsters during this time of year, but it does still happen. Enough so that some people are stationed at the shoreline, ready to spot anything that might come from the sea. It is one of these calls to arms that has brought Adventurers to the shoreline, ready to fight.

OOC: This dungeon is only available during The Summer Beach Festival. This is largely a combat-based Duty.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Black Jade Fox 2021 December 12th
Meet the Landers: Sword Maiden 2021 December 18th
Rizadoman meets up with the Sword Maiden to learn more about the Law of Alba and to see if he has a future alongside the church.
Inexplicably Unflappable 2021 December 22nd
Uta is worried about a thing that has happened: nothing.
War of Dragons: Uncrowned 2021 December 27th
The Uncrowned come to Alne to speak to the Adventurers who have gathered, revealing their existance and what is truly going on with the Palace Land war.
Festival: Racing a Hurricane 2022 January 11th
The danger of storm swells and the threat of war is not enough to dampen the spirit of those who are fans of this greatest of sports: Peko Racing! Yet, with enemies lurking around every corner, this may just be the most dangerous race of the year.

(OOC: Standard Peko race rules for riders. Scene is not open to Antagonists, but they may contact Reminisce on Discord to set up 'surprises' for the riders ahead of time.)
A Dark Eve 2022 January 12th
Giganpor and friends chase down rumors of a Lander who is being moved to the outskirts of Dun Loireag, in order to find out what has occurred, and how to stop this kind of thing from occurring again.
The Fox and the Hounded 2022 January 22nd
The increase in Adventurer activity near Shibuya did not go unnoticed, the Palace Land occupation forces increasing their patrols in response. A confrontation was inevitable.

The discovered scouts fled into the Game Reserve seeking cover in familiar territory. One managed to slip away from the group and get out a distress call before the party was harried into Combat status to disable chim links. But he also warns one of the Palace Land officers, Daiyu, was seen with the pursuing patrol.

Its up to you to find them before they pin down and finish off your ally party.

(Scene will be run similar to Remi's festival faux duties)
A delightful garden conversation 2022 January 31st
War of Dragons: Mac Anu - Chaos 2022 February 7th
As a result of some of the Palace Landers having snuck into Mac Anu, chaos suddenly breaks out.

> Warning, high risk of Memory Loss.
Segue: A visit home. 2022 February 12th
War of Dragons: Council 2022 February 28th
The Yamato Kingdoms come together to speak on the matter of retaliating against the Palace Land Forces that have occupied the Fourland Dukedom's Root City and its surrounding area. They meet within Carmina Gadelica at the watchful eye of Gilgamesh himself - having invited some of the leading Adventurers and Uncrowned to be in attendance.

OOC: This is a meeting event that has only invited the most prominent Adventurers. That means Alliance and Guild Leadership and Adventurers of Prominent Poltical Power. If in doubt, ask if that includes you.
Meet the Landers: Yoru 2022 March 7th
Giganpor, through his Patron Mia, manages to set up a party to lure Yoru Chiba just to the edges of Dun Loireag, in order to take away her powers. Friends are invited, but expected to be on their best and most noble of behaviors!
Training Camp 2022 March 13th
Elf is getting started on her Archery training but has set up camp for the night, she's also not alone.
War of Dragons: Fort Ouph 2022 April 12th
The various Adventurers enter into the depths of Fort Ouph, guided by one of the Landers, in an attempt to try and find the 'Old Man' of Breg Epona. They have the aid of a shadowy organization that has been looking into the matter the moment the matter of Mac Anu came out.

This is aimed mainly at New World Alliance, as they are investigating this Root Town, but there's open spots for people who can't make the other events.
Duty Session 472: For Whom the Bell Gnolls 2022 April 30th
Recently, there has been a shift in the behavior of the gnolls who dwell within the forests close to the newbie leveling areas. They had always been a threat, but it seems as if they have started to change their tactics as a result of Adventurer activity in the area. They no longer strike only at night, meaning that the forests are now a dangerous place, even during the daylight hours. With a number of both Lander and Adventurer deaths attributed to the gnolls, the Hunters Guild has put out a call to thin out their numbers, in the hopes it might return gnoll activity back to normal levels.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce gnoll activity in new player leveling areas.
Festival: Spooktacular Peko Race 2022 May 3rd
It is the time of year of hauntings, dark tidings, and mysterious happenings. So, of course, this is the perfectly appropriate time for a distinctly seasonal Peko Race. Racers are /required/ to dress their Pekos in some sort of costume in order to race, so bring your best creativity.

(OOC Notes: Standard Peko Racing rules. If you are new to the Mush and wish to attend, you may choose to 'rent' a Peko or simply already have one. Make sure you give it a fun name.)

Concepts to be Utilized: Dark, Light, Fire, Handle Animal, Capture Monster
Duty Session 479: Spooky Scary Skeletons 2022 May 7th
During the Shadow Festival, the number of dark element monsters and undead seems to increase across the lands of Yamato. In the desert landscape of the Holy Empire Westelande, this is a particular problem, as the harsh desert seems to yield even more of these monsters. The Hunter's Guild has reached out to Adventurers, hoping to quell the numbers of undead before they become a threat to Breg Epona.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Shadow Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 488: No Game Gnoll Life 2022 May 15th
The Gnolls of the Isle of Beginnings have become increasingly hostile since the Apocalypse. At last, through the investigations of intrepid Adventurers, the source of this change in the monstrous creatures has been discovered. The Gnolls appear to be trying to summon a demon entity known as Yeenagi. The Adventurers must face off against the strongest of the Gnoll Generals to secure the place of the summoning and stop the Gnolls from unleashing this terror upon the world.

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Notes: Failing this +duty has non-death character consequences.
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Gain items needed to unlock the final boss battle against Yeenagi the Demon Gnoll.
War of Dragons: Shibuya - I 2022 May 29th
The Landers and Adventurers prepare at the north side of the Eastal Free League and begin to prepare the road southwards in order to move a larger army for the coming assault upon the Land of Dragons' foothold in Shibuya.
Strings and Corkboards 2022 July 9th
Language! 2022 July 14th
Rizadoman visits Uta with some questions.
War of Dragons - Mac Anu II - Preparations 2022 July 30th
People do preparations for the war at Mac Anu - with the Wave known to be arriving the day after.
War of Dragons - Mac Anu II - Wave 11 2022 July 31st
The operation starts! The Wave has hit Mac Anu, and the Adventurers rush to try and use this moment to get beneath the city and free the Kunie from their hold. But assuredly, they will not so easily prevail.
Duty Session 511: No Game Gnoll Life 2022 August 6th
The Gnolls of the Isle of Beginnings have become increasingly hostile since the Apocalypse. At last, through the investigations of intrepid Adventurers, the source of this change in the monstrous creatures has been discovered. The Gnolls appear to be trying to summon a demon entity known as Yeenagi. The Adventurers must face off against the strongest of the Gnoll Generals to secure the place of the summoning and stop the Gnolls from unleashing this terror upon the world.

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Notes: Failing this +duty has non-death character consequences.
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Gain items needed to unlock the final boss battle against Yeenagi the Demon Gnoll.
War of Dragons 2: Setting Out 2022 August 23rd
People start to say some of their farewells as they prepare for a long trek back to the Palace Lands, in an effort to make travel freely available again - and discuss their plans on what they'll do once they get to those lands.
War of Dragons 2: Return to Seeker's Landing 2022 August 28th
With some of the Fourland Dukedom's navy in tow, recognizing the foreign threat, the Yamato Adventurers return to Seeker's Landing in order to return what was taken from them.
Meet the Adventurers: Uncrowned 2022 September 7th
Tian and a few other Palace Land Rebels lead a group of Yamato Adventurers to a secret camp of Uncrowned deep in the wilderness. It is a chance at news, intel, and contacts that are desperately needed on both sides if the fight is going to step up against those who wield the Crowned as their weapons.
Meet the Landers: Li Gan 2022 September 16th
The New World Alliance, having retaken Shibuya, meet up with Li Gan after his assistance against the Palace Landers. Hoping to speak to him on the topic of further assistance.
War of Dragons 2: Break The World I 2022 October 11th
A man named 'Weed' has requested the attendance of some of the Yamato people. He's got a project he wishes to complete in a very short period of time, and it'll take the greatest artisans and workers to get it completed in time in order to take the next step in the fight against the Palace Land Landers.
War of Dragons 2: Break The World II 2022 November 12th
Weed's Project, did it get completed in time, or is this plan doomed to fail?!
War of Dragons 2: Meeting of the Camps 2022 December 13th
The Three Camps of the Palace Lands region gather to discuss the next steps. With the recent creation of the massive Goddess Statue, they've made a great headway against Kallamore, but there are three cities to assault, and much information still missing. Some of the movers and shakers amongst the Yamatoan Adventurers have been invited to help in the discussions and create a plan moving forward.
Meet the Landers: Sword Maiden 2023 March 7th
Rizadoman returns to the Sword Maiden to report on his process in slaying some goblins.
The Crownless Cup: Opening Ceremonies 2023 April 3rd
The Crownless Cup is upon us! This is a ceremonial scene which will then move into an open social. Highlights will include introducing the fighters (as a group) and the tournament sponsors and organizers, and is otherwise a low-commitment scene which will go on as long as people continue to socialize.
Crownless Tourney - Shiruba vs Rizadoman 2023 April 8th
Two of New World Alliances' finest face off for their position in the tournament.
Crownless Cup: Haru vs Rizadoman 2023 April 16th
The tournament continues with Haru and Rizadoman squaring off in the southern bracket.
Meet the Author: Rizadoman 2023 June 8th
Rizadoman has been deep in work writing what he claims to be the next masterpiece in literature. A fictional tale that will have love, action, adventure, taking place a long long time ago. Before his book goes to the presses he has scheduled a reading of the first few chapters in Fort Ouph's square, to the children of Fort Ouph and all others who may be interested.
Duty Session 568: Goblins are Forever 2023 July 1st
The Hunter's guild has gotten word from the temple of law that the Goblin Queen from Karluin is attempting to reform their army near the Great Tree of Lios. The Hunter's guild has set up a staging area near to where the goblin's have taken up residence. The adventurers

Difficulty:    Hard
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Queen's army in preparation for the final attack.
Magus Depths 2023 August 8th
Adventurers head into the depths of an old Tower of Mages facility based on directives from the various Alliance leaderships, in order to scout it out. They are met at the entrance by one of the Heroes of Yamato, warning them of what they might find within.