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Setsuna Kibo


Race / Human

Summoner / Enchanter


Having only recently joined the Scale Emblem Alliance, this spell caster has up to this point been content to stay to the background. Most people wouldn't recognize this human from the dungeons or from being deep out in the field, usually getting by from blending into large group events, or simple tasks done around Dun Loireag. Due to his frequency at the local bars, the magic user sometimes has even been confused as a pre-programmed bar patron. The few people who have talked tohim be able to say he is casually sociable, nice, polite, all that stuff as long as he was sober. As the night fades on and the drink count goes on his personality sinks into the bottle and it's like talking ta different person.

"Time is a precious commodity, do not waste it." - Setsuna Kibo

Elder Tale Online


Additional Information

Alliance: Scale Emblem Alliance
Kingdom: The Ninetails Dominion
Skills: 1337 Dad Jokes, Old Guy, Drinks THAT stuff, Another


Name Date Summary
One Saturday in Crescent Burger 2020 November 15th
Outside Crescent Burger 2020 November 15th
Later that day
Duty Session 131: Totally Typical Tomb 2020 November 18th
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Duty Session 136: Undead Defense Force 2020 November 21st
New World Alliance along with local people of the Ninetails Dominion are attempting to protect the homes from the undead hordes that are trying to take over! Help defend their villages and push back the undead by successfully keeping the horde at bay.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Success slowly decreases undead presence in Ninetails Dominion.
Beware of Mereks Bearing Gifts 2020 November 22nd
Unless the gift is slimes. In that case, it's fine. I mean, it's not like they can hide a whole army in that giant wooden slime, right?
By a lake in Ninetails 2020 November 22nd
Random encounter
Obsidian: Rock Eater 2020 November 24th
A young warrior and his party has requested aid in escorting a woman by the name of Akumeiji into a series of caves within the Eastal Free League region, but they are worried that their party is not up to snuff to deal with the Rock Eater monster that is said to roam the cave, and they've requested some additional aid from the Hunters Guild.
It Begins with Some Scouts 2020 November 25th
Some of the smaller salamander tribes in the Holy Empire of Westlande have begun to report occasional issues with giant ants coming and raiding their camps at night, stealing food, resources, and the most alarmingly, even making off with tents -- regardless of if there are people inside of them or not.

     Adventurers have been recruited to begin investigating this matter, and figure out why the ants are suddenly beginning to act so peculiarly. At present, the reports on if the ants are aggressive or not is being rather conflicting. Some say they just take food and leave, others have said that they've been attacked with little provocation, so the hired adventurers should likely be ready for a fight!
Obsidian: Fortress 2020 November 28th
A new request comes from Akumeji through the Hunters Guild. This one asks the Hunters Guild to send her people who can aid her in entering an old 'forest fortress' - an ancient tree from times before the Scrapped Princess War - in order to check up on a barrier that supposedly has broken.
No Mercy For The Living 2020 November 28th
A new terror has come from Helena Lethe's forces. An Unholy Binder of dark armor, large size, and followed by similar armed forces with lance and tower shield.

They make their way toward the north and right in their path, is a town. A town this monster seems to have its unnatural eyes set on.

Can the Adventurers save the town before its to late? Or will the people become another group to join Helena's army of death?

Heed the call Adventurers and rise to the next challenge!

((This will be a combat scene. It will be using the Boss HP system. This Boss will also be set to hard mode.))
Duty Session 143: The Vanishing Forest 2020 November 29th
A strange location seems to open up only once a year during the Living Green Festival. No one seems certain if it is a result of the abundance of plant growth that creates the strange forest within the Eastal Free League, or if the location actually moves, shifting somewhere unreachable during the rest of the year.

The Hunters Guild has asked for brave adventurers who would be willing to explore and report back what they find within the Vanishing Forest. They are bidding Adventurers to try to gather anything unusual that they might find so it can be studied.

OOC: This dungeon is only available during The Living Green Festival. This dungeon is exploration-based and focuses on the 'Gather' and 'Discover' concepts with only minor 'Combat'.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Three Alliances Meet 2020 November 30th

    After meeting with the Undead Queen, Giganpor has chosen to share the information with the other Alliances besides just the New World Alliance. Among this is also the chance for all three Alliances to share information if they so wish besides just the Undead Army threat. Since it is a large group of people, Giganpor has secured Isekai Ryokan for the purpose of it.

    OOC: Social scene. Tentative date. Since it is after IRL Thanksgiving if people can not make it and want to be there, @mail Giganpor and he can reschedule. Time is earlier to allow people time and such due to IRL work. Can be even earlier if people want. Have at thee!
Soldiers and Demons 2020 November 30th
Duty Session 147: Undead Defense Force 2020 December 1st
New World Alliance along with local people of the Ninetails Dominion are attempting to protect the homes from the undead hordes that are trying to take over! Help defend their villages and push back the undead by successfully keeping the horde at bay.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Success slowly decreases undead presence in Ninetails Dominion.
Festival: Jungle of Whispers 2020 December 3rd
Living Green Festival: A patch of jungle near Shibuya has become overgrown by plantlife. Rumors tell that mysterious voices seem to be coming from within the dense undergrowth. A team of adventurers has been sent out to explore the jungle and find the source of the strange happenings.

(OOC: Exploration-based event. Card+Concept for rolls. Max party size: 10)
Head Over Heals 2020 December 5th
Once a healer, always a healer. At least until they fix this thing where we can't log out...
Duty Session 151: The Vanishing Forest 2020 December 5th
A strange location seems to open up only once a year during the Living Green Festival. No one seems certain if it is a result of the abundance of plant growth that creates the strange forest within the Eastal Free League, or if the location actually moves, shifting somewhere unreachable during the rest of the year.

The Hunters Guild has asked for brave adventurers who would be willing to explore and report back what they find within the Vanishing Forest. They are bidding Adventurers to try to gather anything unusual that they might find so it can be studied.

OOC: This dungeon is only available during The Living Green Festival. This dungeon is exploration-based and focuses on the 'Gather' and 'Discover' concepts with only minor 'Combat'.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 153: Spinner's Deep 2020 December 7th
After the efforts of many Adventurers to finally clear out the creatures from within the mines on the Isle of Beginnings, the Landers are finally able to return to their work. However, the first miners have reported an unusual room within the first levels of the mine.

The room seems to be the source of the previous infestation, but now shows a strange glowing arcane circle that refuses to allow them to pass. The Landers have reached out to the Hunter's Guild, seeking capable Adventurers to find out what lies beyond this strange device.

What is certain, is that the spiders in the mines now known as Spinner's End, had to have come from somewhere. Danger lies on the unknown path ahead. Are you brave enough to face it?

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 154: Goblins in the Rotting Forest 2020 December 8th
A request goes up on the Hunters Guild board, paid for by the Eastal Free League's Council of Four. A region close to Fort Ouph, near where the Third and Fourth combined Wave was, Goblins have shown up - and they are not sure where they are actually coming from. Adventurers are being sent to investigate their origin, and to stop the Goblins from doing any further harm to the forest..

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Success protects the Eastal Free League forest from dying off to a mysterious illness.
Academy Planning 2020 December 8th
Missure Fisher (AKA - When You Fail, You Still Need To Heal) 2020 December 9th
Obsidian: Cave 2020 December 10th
An Adventurer has approached the Hunters Guild, asking them to help with a Quest 'before it is too late', requesting a team to enter into the caves close to Fort Ouph with her to help out with a matter of great importance.
Duty Session 157: Goblin Scouts in the Field 2020 December 13th
A porcelain quest has been offered to the Hunters Guild. There's reports of Goblin Scouts in the Eastal Free League region, close to the ruins of a place called 'Shibuya'. The region is largely open fields, with a lot of tall weeds. But there's old roads in the region that still carry some people who go to that region to gather some special herbs that can't be found anywhere else. The request requires the disposal of these goblins.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 158: Convoy Escort Quest I 2020 December 13th
Escort quests, the bane of any experienced gamer. Assisting people who are unable to defend themselves as they trudge slowly through dangerous environments on a preset path. When implemented well, they're a chore - when implemented poorly, they're a nightmare.

The merchant guilds and the People of the Land will pay handsomely to see this convoy deliver its goods - and its people - to the destination, and your group is needing to head that way anyway for your own reasons, so it's time to hitch up and hit the road. It can't be all that bad of a quest, right? Two days of travel will fly right on by.

(Note: This Duty takes several IC days to complete.)

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Tea by Moonlight 2020 December 15th
Duty Session 163: Spinner's Deep 2020 December 17th
After the efforts of many Adventurers to finally clear out the creatures from within the mines on the Isle of Beginnings, the Landers are finally able to return to their work. However, the first miners have reported an unusual room within the first levels of the mine.

The room seems to be the source of the previous infestation, but now shows a strange glowing arcane circle that refuses to allow them to pass. The Landers have reached out to the Hunter's Guild, seeking capable Adventurers to find out what lies beyond this strange device.

What is certain, is that the spiders in the mines now known as Spinner's End, had to have come from somewhere. Danger lies on the unknown path ahead. Are you brave enough to face it?

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: None
Clearing The Road 2020 December 17th
The Hunter's guild has placed out a notice of undead on the move! They seem to be on the road and are cutting off a supply line. The guild needs people to help clear the undead from the roar so the caravans can continue!

It is up to you, Adventurers, to clear out those undead and deal with the possible warrior skeleton in charge!
Duty Session 164: Still Water Bandits 2020 December 18th
With the increased trade between the various cities and kingdoms, the Lander traders have also been reporting an increase in Bandit activity. A group that calls themselves the 'Still Water Bandits' has begun raiding caravans and ships. This has caused a slowing of supply lines, as well as damage to the lives and livelihoods of the traders. They are seeking help from capable Adventurers to help clear out a number of bandit camps.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Increase in trade route efficiency
Breaking The Line 2020 December 20th
With the numbers seeming to be dwindling thanks to the Adventurers' efforts, it is time to break the far-reaching southern line.

The Merchant Blades, along with the Peko Army are setting up a march and assault on that line and are calling out to the adventurers to give aid.

Time to drive the undead back to wince they came and free up the southern corridor!

(( As a note, Undead Defense Force will be ending Sunday morning before or shortly after the scene. Something new will eventually be created to replace it. Hope to see you all there! ))
Duty Session 166: Totally Typical Tomb 2020 December 22nd
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Duty Session 167: Gnoll it All 2020 December 22nd
A powerful Gnoll has been reported as creating havoc within one one of the low-level Forest zones. The Berserker and his allies have been making things difficult for both Adventurers and Landers. This encounter seems to only appear at night. The Hunter?s Guild has posted an Obsidian-level Bounty for any brave Adventurers who can defeat Haggar the Gnoll Barbarian.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duelist League: Setsuna vs Uta 2020 December 27th
Two people are going to beat each other up. Will this violence ever end? Fans of the Duelist League hope not.
Duty Session 171: Totally Typical Tomb 2020 December 28th
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Duty Session 173: Is It Wrong to Pick Up Slimes in a Dungeon? 2020 December 29th
There are plenty of places in Alne that seem to have been left abandoned up until recently. The influx of Adventurers and Landers have caused empty areas of the city to become occupied in quick order. As the city is surrounded by water, it is also particularly prone to infestations of slimes. Landers are reporting that they are having trouble getting water into some areas of the city. They are asking for Adventurers who might be brave enough to face the sewers and waterways beneath the city to clear out some of the slimes in order to help get the water flowing again.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Increases in clean water availability in Alne.
Duelist's League: Setsuna vs Kauchemar 2020 December 29th
Two masters of Darkness and Summons throwdown for a league match. Be there or be square. But don't be dead, there will likely be enough of that on the field.
Duty Session 174: Totally Typical Tomb 2020 December 31st
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Duelist League: Setsuna vs Prophylaxis 2021 January 1st
Forgotten Family Story 2021 January 4th
The Merchant Blades have heard some rumors of the Undead's commander who rides on a horse heading into the wood's with actual 'food'. While they dare not follow him, they have placed out a request to adventurers willing to look into the matter.

To find where Auther is taking the food and why? After all, undead don't need to eat actual food -- do they? Nor does a vampire-- right? So why?

That is what you will all be finding out...

-- This scene will operate like a duty. There will be challenges, possible failure paths, and only three cards will allowed to be used. --
Duty Session 175: Clearing Castle Eas 2021 January 4th
With the discovery of the Castle Eas, Baroness Wake has called upon her fellow adventurers, seeking aid in clearing out the orcs that currently occupy it. The Castle lies in the mountains of the Fourland Dukedom, set upon a waterfall.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: The clearing of the castle will allow for it to be repaired and used for the benefit of People of the Land and Adventurers.
Duty Session 177: The Tides of Summer 2021 January 5th
During the Summer Beach Festival, it is common for Landers and Adventurers alike to make use of the beaches around Yamato. It is rare to see monsters during this time of year, but it does still happen. Enough so that some people are stationed at the shoreline, ready to spot anything that might come from the sea. It is one of these calls to arms that has brought Adventurers to the shoreline, ready to fight.

OOC: This dungeon is only available during The Summer Beach Festival. This is largely a combat-based Duty.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Trials of Honor 2021 January 7th
In the lands of the Holy Empire Westelande, it is a summer tradition to test the skills of their young warriors as a right of passage. This year, Adventurers have been invited to join the trials.
Instruments Of Destruction 2021 January 11th
After stumbling upon a broken instrument, deep in the forest, the Adventurers have turned to this strange technology in hopes that it may function as a deterrent against the monsters. A prototype of the instrument has been created and set up in the Ninetails Dominion, close to where the undead were last spotted, in the hopes of driving back the undead forces.

However, not everything is as it seems. The instrument is not the weapon that they had hoped for. No... it does not harm, or drive off monsters. It enrages more powerful monsters who are nearby, painting a very large target on the Adventurers who created it.

(( Special rules will be in place. It will be explained at the start of the scene & in the HP Bar Object. ))
Merek and the talking of things 2021 January 13th
Duty Session 183: Grunty Drive 2021 January 14th
A porcelain quest has been offered to the Hunters Guild. A small consortium of Lander ranchers would like adventurers to drive their Grunties to market. The party will have to cover a fair distance, involving camping outdoors, warding off predators, and negotiating the sale of the grunties at the end destination. The request requires the delivery of the majority of the herd to the market town and their successful sale.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 185: Clearing Castle Eas 2021 January 15th
With the discovery of the Castle Eas, Baroness Wake has called upon her fellow adventurers, seeking aid in clearing out the orcs that currently occupy it. The Castle lies in the mountains of the Fourland Dukedom, set upon a waterfall.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: The clearing of the castle will allow for it to be repaired and used for the benefit of People of the Land and Adventurers.
Duty Session 186: Goblins in Mac Anu 2021 January 16th
The sightings of Goblins have raised significantly within Mac Anu. Nobody has figured out the source of the Goblins yet, but the Hunters Guild is sending teams down into its sewers to lower its monster numbers and get an idea where the movements are coming from.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Presence in Mac Anu and unlock a plot project.
Duty Session 187: Goblins in Mac Anu 2021 January 16th
The sightings of Goblins have raised significantly within Mac Anu. Nobody has figured out the source of the Goblins yet, but the Hunters Guild is sending teams down into its sewers to lower its monster numbers and get an idea where the movements are coming from.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Presence in Mac Anu and unlock a plot project.
Duty Session 188: For Whom the Bell Gnolls 2021 January 16th
Recently, there has been a shift in the behavior of the gnolls who dwell within the forests close to the newbie leveling areas. They had always been a threat, but it seems as if they have started to change their tactics as a result of Adventurer activity in the area. They no longer strike only at night, meaning that the forests are now a dangerous place, even during the daylight hours. With a number of both Lander and Adventurer deaths attributed to the gnolls, the Hunters Guild has put out a call to thin out their numbers, in the hopes it might return gnoll activity back to normal levels.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce gnoll activity in new player leveling areas.
Duelist League: Setsuna vs Xander 2021 January 17th
A Night At The Carnival 2021 January 17th
The Carnival is here and has been for about a week! The People Of the Land have been enjoying themselves. Kids get treats, there is a fun type of maze, and all types of fun little games to do. It is a wonderful distraction from the horrors that have plagued the Ninetails Dominion.

They even have a few magical shows and daring performers, along with a crazy jester who just /loves/ everyone. All are welcome, so long as they don't mind being out at nighttime.

However, there have been some strange things going on...

Some folks end up missing. Some say they are those who work there that look like those who have gone missing, but seem to be mistaken at closer inspection.

There is a mystery here and it might be a deadly one.

Who is up for a little fun...
... and possibly chilling adventure?
Wave of Calamity: 5 2021 January 19th
The Fifth Wave of Calamity looms... as the clouds over Alne grow dark upon the defeat of the 5th Floor Boss! It seems to have come a lot earlier than usual... As lightning coarses along the walls of the Tower, and Alne itself appears to be the focused target of this next Wave of Calamity.
Goldenblade meets with Setsuna 2021 January 22nd
The Secret of CHIM 2021 January 23rd
With information in hand, a team of Adventurers dives into an old Gnome stronghold within the depths of one of the outer Ezzo Empire caves, just on the edge outside of the Dome. They search for an Elemental Machine that reportedly is being maintained by Chim Chims. Though their goal isn't the Elemental Machine... it's the Chims.

OOC: Take note of the time for this one! This one caters towards the European timezone.
Duty Session 199: Obligatory Rat Cellar 2021 January 24th
In each of the starting cities, there are at least a couple of poor merchant landers who have developed mysterious rat problems. This is clearly bad for business! A worried looking Lander stands outside their shop, rubbing their hands together, looking anxious, flagging down any passing Adventurer they can find to help.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None
A Night At The Carnival II 2021 January 26th
The carnival will soon come to a close. A few adventurers have already discovered the sinister nature of such a fun place. The question remains, what will they do about it and can anyone be saved this eve before other lives are taken for Forgotten Army.

(( This scene is open to all. Your choices impact how things unfold, including if combat takes place. It will be open for people to walk in at any time until about three hours after scene start, there I may have to close the doors for walk ins. Any questions, please feel free to @mail or contact me on Discord as I am also Xander ))
Duty Session 201: Goblins in Mac Anu 2021 January 29th
The sightings of Goblins have raised significantly within Mac Anu. Nobody has figured out the source of the Goblins yet, but the Hunters Guild is sending teams down into its sewers to lower its monster numbers and get an idea where the movements are coming from.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Presence in Mac Anu and unlock a plot project.
Help Wanted: Monster Handler 2021 January 30th
Wanted: Monster Handler. Requirements: must be alive. Until we hire a Necromancer, then it's Wanted: Monster Handler, Dead or Alive.
The job description requires [Divination], so... where do you see yourself in five years?
Duty Session 208: Karluin Reclamation - Town 2021 February 2nd
Even with the defeat of the fifth floor boss, Karluin is still a monster-infested ruin filled with precarious traps, ancient dangers and just plain old fashioned half-collapsed architecture. Though dilapidated, the goblin settlement in the area is deeply rooted and will need a good deal of effort from intrepid Adventurers to clear out... But it'll all be worth it. Once reclaimed, the fortress of Karluin will be a second or third home for Adventurers making their way up the tower. It's not like they have much choice; the way up is right smack dab in the middle of the old fort, and leaving it to rot will just make getting to the sixth floor that much more difficult.

The long task begins with exterminating monsters still lurking in the castle-town surrounding Karluin's mysterious central keep. Only then can the walls be secured and progress can begin on securing the fortress' heart.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Free Karluin's Ground Level
Duelist League:Prophylaxis vs Setsuna 2021 February 5th
A Job Offer 2021 February 6th
Duty Session 211: A Dark and Stormy Night 2021 February 6th
During the Storm Festival, it is common for Adventurers to gather indoors at a local inn or tavern. Any place to get away from the heavy rains and piercing wind. However, on one such Dark and Stormy Night, a Lander has come inside from the storm, bringing with them an unusual quest. They are tasked to brave the storm and face wind elementals in order to gather some strange alchemical ingredient.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Storm Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based, with some minor uses of other concept types.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 213: Karluin Reclamation - Town 2021 February 8th
Even with the defeat of the fifth floor boss, Karluin is still a monster-infested ruin filled with precarious traps, ancient dangers and just plain old fashioned half-collapsed architecture. Though dilapidated, the goblin settlement in the area is deeply rooted and will need a good deal of effort from intrepid Adventurers to clear out... But it'll all be worth it. Once reclaimed, the fortress of Karluin will be a second or third home for Adventurers making their way up the tower. It's not like they have much choice; the way up is right smack dab in the middle of the old fort, and leaving it to rot will just make getting to the sixth floor that much more difficult.

The long task begins with exterminating monsters still lurking in the castle-town surrounding Karluin's mysterious central keep. Only then can the walls be secured and progress can begin on securing the fortress' heart.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Free Karluin's Ground Level
Festival: Where Lightning Strikes 2021 February 9th
Since the beginning of the festival, lightning has become frequent in a known monster nest within the heart of the Eastal Free League. The Labyrinth Forest calls explorers brave enough to search for what is drawing lightning down from the storms.

(Exploration and combat-focused scene using standard card+concept rolls, will be similar to a +duty in function.)
Duelist League: Goldenblade vs Setsuna 2021 February 9th
Tracking a Tracker 2021 February 10th
Meet the 'Landers': Anthome 2021 February 13th
Of course, with such a curiosity popping up, it's inevitable that adventurers would show up to investigate this sudden town appearing in the middle of the desert and possibly even partake of its wares!
    Nevermind that all of the 'landers' have something off about them. And of course they read as non-aggressive monsters when examined.
Goblins & Blades 2021 February 13th
The goblins are proving to be a problem on the fifth floor, making travel between the fourth and sixth an issue. While more adventurers have been called to arms to help deal with the situation, is it really enough?

What about those who go scouting to the sixth floor, can they make it back safely to safer floors below?

One such group finds out the hard way, that even with experience on their side. You can't ever let your guard down around goblins.

(( Scale Focused, others are welcome though. Boss fight will be happening. ))
Family Lineage 2021 February 14th
Gabriella Drake sits on a stump just outside of the city. Her gaze looking at an arrow in her hand. Her thumb gently runs over the sharp tip. "Do you think," She asks the merchant in front of her. "One shot could kill a vampire?"

"I would imagine one good shot to the head could fail any beast, my lady." The Merchant replies. "Though are you sure you want to go after an undead alone? You don't look--"

Gabriella eyes dart up quickly at the Merchant, "I am the grand-daughter of a noble knight. Heir to a line of heroes and monster slayers. This war is taking a toll on these people. On this nation. I will not continue to sit idly by and do NOTHING." She stands up quickly to her feet. "I also did not ask for your opinion, good sir. Now give me your finest armor, bow, and arrows."

Her eyes narrow dangerously, "I have a monster to slay who dares to disgrace the Drake family line."

The merchant gathers the items, but raises a brow, "What did you say your name was, my dear lady?"

Yet the merchant never got the woman's name, all her could do was watch as she left. At first he didn't want to say anything, after all, it was not his business if a woman went on a suicide mission and yet--


    A job gets posted on the Hunter boards and to any job listing locations with a sketch that looks a bit like Gabriella's face on them:

To all parties interested, an unknown woman has gone off into the wilds of the Ninetails Dominion on a possible suicide mission to hunt down some vampire and help try to 'end' the war.

While payment may not be provided. This is a request of any brave souls, with kindness in their hearts to stop this mad woman before she gets herself killed; If she has not already. She was last seen heading west from the city, toward the forest, and the place where the mist always walks.

(( Boss Fight with an NPC assist. The outcome of this side story is dependant on you, the adventurers. You also may feel free to try and track her down /before/ this scene to also alter outcomes. Description will adjust/be added to should this be the case. ))
Meeting the Landers: Mystery Spriggan 2021 February 18th
A mysterious Spriggan shows up in the middle of Tolbana to check out the community that is being built there - their presence making a 'splash' due to their unusual INSPECT information.

Note: A short scene meant for the Scale Emblem Alliance due to all of their work on Tolbana.
Doctor Patient Confidentiality 2021 February 19th
Visiting Hours 2021 February 19th
Duty Session 221: Karluin Reclamation - Town 2021 February 20th
Even with the defeat of the fifth floor boss, Karluin is still a monster-infested ruin filled with precarious traps, ancient dangers and just plain old fashioned half-collapsed architecture. Though dilapidated, the goblin settlement in the area is deeply rooted and will need a good deal of effort from intrepid Adventurers to clear out... But it'll all be worth it. Once reclaimed, the fortress of Karluin will be a second or third home for Adventurers making their way up the tower. It's not like they have much choice; the way up is right smack dab in the middle of the old fort, and leaving it to rot will just make getting to the sixth floor that much more difficult.

The long task begins with exterminating monsters still lurking in the castle-town surrounding Karluin's mysterious central keep. Only then can the walls be secured and progress can begin on securing the fortress' heart.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Free Karluin's Ground Level
Legging Around 2021 February 23rd
Meeting the Landers: Mystery Spriggan - II 2021 February 25th
The Mystery Spriggan remains within the town of Tolbana for a little while longer, but is clearly intent on leaving the moment they've recovered. Still, when they wake, the Scale Emblem Adventurers have a chance to talk to him for a bit longer.
Setsuna and Goldenblade Face The Music 2021 February 26th
The Musical Kung-Fu Nurse might have made a remarkable discovery, and is going to put her theory to the test.

But first, she'll need a guinea pig (or two) in a Strange Mood...
Climb: The Floor 6 Boss 2021 February 28th
Adventurers continue the climb, and through the rather frustrating Maze that is the 6th Floor of Aincrad Tower. The roaming Boss that seems to walk the entire floor is getting scouted out, and the Raid Party has prepared to push on to the next floor.
Anamnesis 2021 February 28th
What Dark secrets is Uta hiding? Prophylaxis plans to find out.

Questions will be asked. Answers will be provided. Hopefully the latter will match the former.

But since Uta is invoved, this is not a given.

(This is a private scene driven by Prophylaxis, so if you have any questions, he's your contact)
Duty Session 228: Escort Quest: Artificial Stupidity 2021 March 2nd
A Lander stands just at the exit of town with a familiar quest marker being offered. Apparently, they need to travel to a nearby location which requires traversing through rough terrain, filled with monsters. So, they have reached out to brave Adventurers to help guide them on their way!

It's just a simple escort mission. What could go wrong?

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 230: Still Coast Pirates 2021 March 3rd
After many raids by capable Adventurers, the Bandit camps along the shoreline around the Isle of Beginnings have all but been wiped out. However, the source of the Bandits still remains. A pirate ship has often been spotted along the waterways, taking advantage of the increased trade between the Kingdoms following the Apocalypse.

After a recent plunder of intoxicating beverages, the pirates are in high spirits. It is the perfect time for Adventurers to sneak onboard and investigate the source of the pirate threat. The Hunter's Guild is offering a reward for such intel.

Note: This is a lighthearted investigation and swashbuckling adventure.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Improve efficiency of trade by waterways
Children Of The Fields (I) 2021 March 7th
A small town is having some issues. The Merchant Blades who are suppose to be watching them have slowly been disappearing. Some of the farmers are not coming home after their work out in the fields. Then there is the fact residents have been hearing the sound of children 'laughing' in the fields.

One resident swore she saw what was maybe a few kids go running by her window at night, but she couldn't find a soul.

They are asking for adventurers to look into the problem and either confirm their fears or ease their concerns.

(( Scene will be using a duty-like format with a bit of D&D progression, with the ability to think outside of the box and elements shifting based on choices made (or lack there of). 3 cards will be permitted to be used during the scene, but only 3. Any questions, feel free to contact me. ))
Duty Session 233: The Mountain Memorial 2021 March 8th
During the time of the Firefly Festival, it is common for people to seek out old memorials in order to pay tribute to those who have passed. However, not all remembrance sights are easy to reach and some have been overrun by monsters over the years. A group of travelers have reached out to the Hunter's Guild, looking for aid from Adventurers in order to trek to a memorial stone seated high in the mountains. It will be a dangerous journey, but they seem willing to brave it in order to honor their ancestors.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Firefly Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Finding What Was Lost 2021 March 9th
In this time of remembrance, a family has reached out to the Hunter's Guild. Two young children who had lost their father, now ask for help in recovering some momento that they could place at his grave.

However, the man had perished somewhere deep within a set of ruins now infested with monsters. It will require the skills of brave adventurers to delve into it and hopefully find something worth bringing back.

(Exploration and combat scene using the Concept+card rolling system.)
Festival: Shoot the Moon 2021 March 11th
An old diviner, considered too odd and 'mad' by some, requests adventurers Escort him towards a particular tall mountain within the Fourland Dukedom. He declares that, once a year, on this date, his telescope shows something absolutely amazing he thinks they should see.
Festival: Light of Memory 2021 March 12th
Along the shoreline in Yamato, one of the most common ceremonies held during the Firefly Festival is a Lantern Lighting. Paper lanterns are lit and placed out onto the still water, hoping to bring the thoughts and prayers of their family and friends to those lost souls.

It is a time for Landers and Adventurers alike, to remember those who were most important to them and light a flame in their memory.

(Open social scene with only a GM scene-set.)
Hunters Guild Request: Missing Firelizards 2021 March 13th
An Obsidian ranked hunters guild request, put out in the Holy Empire of Westlande area.

The population of fire lizards near the monster town of anthome has suddenly plummetted. A party of 3-4 Adventurers are requested to investigate the cause of this population drop and see any connections to the monster town.

Reward will be given out by the hunters guild following quest completion.

(OOC: This will be a COMBAT SCENE Using the +card system. It is intended to be low-medium difficulty, so I will use boss level 2 or 3 depending on amounts of players who show up.)
A mounting expedition 2021 March 14th
Children Of The Fields (II) 2021 March 14th
The investigation continues!

It has become obvious that there is something(s) out in the field, but how do the remove the infestation and deal with it for good? More importantly can it be dealt with for good?

A group of Merchant Blades have a plan and they need the help of the adventurers to carry it out!

... What could possibly go wrong?


This scene is open to all. Only 3 cards will be allowed to be used. It will be done something /like/ a duty, but more open ended on how rolls can operate. Any questions or like to maybe do something before the scene? Feel free to contact me!

PS - Due to RL this scene may get moved, but it will be held for the morning, just hard to say if the day will stick. I'll know by possibly Thursday after work.
Duty Session 238: Obligatory Rat Cellar 2021 March 15th
In each of the starting cities, there are at least a couple of poor merchant landers who have developed mysterious rat problems. This is clearly bad for business! A worried looking Lander stands outside their shop, rubbing their hands together, looking anxious, flagging down any passing Adventurer they can find to help.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None
Steam Punks 2021 March 15th
Prophylaxis wishes to contact the Olympus Alliance to negotiate the purchase of one of their steam engines, or possible collaboration on a project to construct a train to operate within the Aincrad tower. This will probably not go as smoothly as he hopes, but hey whatever a man can dream.

...Of steam.
A Sorcerer Walks Into the Hunters' Guild 2021 March 17th
Duty Session 239: Karluin Reclamation - Town 2021 March 18th
Even with the defeat of the fifth floor boss, Karluin is still a monster-infested ruin filled with precarious traps, ancient dangers and just plain old fashioned half-collapsed architecture. Though dilapidated, the goblin settlement in the area is deeply rooted and will need a good deal of effort from intrepid Adventurers to clear out... But it'll all be worth it. Once reclaimed, the fortress of Karluin will be a second or third home for Adventurers making their way up the tower. It's not like they have much choice; the way up is right smack dab in the middle of the old fort, and leaving it to rot will just make getting to the sixth floor that much more difficult.

The long task begins with exterminating monsters still lurking in the castle-town surrounding Karluin's mysterious central keep. Only then can the walls be secured and progress can begin on securing the fortress' heart.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Free Karluin's Ground Level
Is it archeology when it's new? 2021 March 19th
In which June is investigating things even as they've been rebuilt, and she encounters other Adventurers going about their own business.
Duty Session 242: Still Coast Pirates 2021 March 21st
After many raids by capable Adventurers, the Bandit camps along the shoreline around the Isle of Beginnings have all but been wiped out. However, the source of the Bandits still remains. A pirate ship has often been spotted along the waterways, taking advantage of the increased trade between the Kingdoms following the Apocalypse.

After a recent plunder of intoxicating beverages, the pirates are in high spirits. It is the perfect time for Adventurers to sneak onboard and investigate the source of the pirate threat. The Hunter's Guild is offering a reward for such intel.

Note: This is a lighthearted investigation and swashbuckling adventure.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Improve efficiency of trade by waterways
Seabreeze Call 2021 March 24th
There are just days where it is nice to lounge about the port. You never know who you might meet!
Duty Session 245: Karluin Reclamation - Town 2021 March 25th
Even with the defeat of the fifth floor boss, Karluin is still a monster-infested ruin filled with precarious traps, ancient dangers and just plain old fashioned half-collapsed architecture. Though dilapidated, the goblin settlement in the area is deeply rooted and will need a good deal of effort from intrepid Adventurers to clear out... But it'll all be worth it. Once reclaimed, the fortress of Karluin will be a second or third home for Adventurers making their way up the tower. It's not like they have much choice; the way up is right smack dab in the middle of the old fort, and leaving it to rot will just make getting to the sixth floor that much more difficult.

The long task begins with exterminating monsters still lurking in the castle-town surrounding Karluin's mysterious central keep. Only then can the walls be secured and progress can begin on securing the fortress' heart.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Free Karluin's Ground Level
Castle Eas: The Final Battle 2021 March 26th
As the teams continue to clear out Castle Eas of its Orc plague, the team has finally managed to create a path towards its highest floors where their true foe stands. An Orc Lord with his shaman aides has been preparing ever since the assault began. If they want to clear the castle, he will need to fall. But it will not be easy.
Duty Session 247: Karluin Reclamation - Town 2021 March 28th
Even with the defeat of the fifth floor boss, Karluin is still a monster-infested ruin filled with precarious traps, ancient dangers and just plain old fashioned half-collapsed architecture. Though dilapidated, the goblin settlement in the area is deeply rooted and will need a good deal of effort from intrepid Adventurers to clear out... But it'll all be worth it. Once reclaimed, the fortress of Karluin will be a second or third home for Adventurers making their way up the tower. It's not like they have much choice; the way up is right smack dab in the middle of the old fort, and leaving it to rot will just make getting to the sixth floor that much more difficult.

The long task begins with exterminating monsters still lurking in the castle-town surrounding Karluin's mysterious central keep. Only then can the walls be secured and progress can begin on securing the fortress' heart.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Free Karluin's Ground Level
When Things Go Wrong 2021 March 29th
Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat 2021 March 31st
More time with Wisteria gone fae and the people who come to check on her, or study her, or just make sure she isn't dying of starvation.
Duty Session 248: For Whom the Bell Gnolls 2021 April 1st
Recently, there has been a shift in the behavior of the gnolls who dwell within the forests close to the newbie leveling areas. They had always been a threat, but it seems as if they have started to change their tactics as a result of Adventurer activity in the area. They no longer strike only at night, meaning that the forests are now a dangerous place, even during the daylight hours. With a number of both Lander and Adventurer deaths attributed to the gnolls, the Hunters Guild has put out a call to thin out their numbers, in the hopes it might return gnoll activity back to normal levels.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce gnoll activity in new player leveling areas.
Visitors to the Lion 2021 April 4th
While working on some new armor, Giganpor receives visitors. A lot of them it seems.
Duelist League: Setsuna vs Schneider 2021 April 5th
Performance Bonus 2021 April 7th
We don't offer stock options. Try some place that makes broth.
Duty Session 255: Karluin Reclamation - Keep 2021 April 11th
With the goblin forces largely cleared out of the bulk of Karluin Castle Town, and without any means of penetrating the fortress' mysterious underground yet, the reclamation effort has now moved towards taking back the main keep at the city's easternmost side. But with the goblins backed into a corner, and their new leader surely commanding the keep's defenses personally, reclaiming the citadel will by no means be a small task. Still, the quest to clear Karluin at the Hunters Guild remains open, with a new list of terms promising salvage rights of the valuable loot hidden away within the castle's ancient coffers.

Difficulty:    Hard
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       4
World Rewards: Progress on freeing Karluin
Duty Session 256: Threat to the Harvest 2021 April 11th
During the Harvest Festival, there are many who take to the fields to bring in the summer crops. However, there are also those who would like to claim those bountiful harvests for themselves. The Hunter's Guild has hired Adventurers to protect those Landers who have been tasked with working the fields. It sounds like a boring, simple task, but they wouldn't spend the money hiring defenders if there weren't real dangers looming.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Harvest Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Convoy from Afar 2021 April 16th
As shipments of harvested foods have begun to move throughout Yamato, the Hunter's Guild has commissioned Adventurers to escort the supplies coming from one of the furthest away farms, deep into Ninetails Dominion Lands. However, there are rumors that a powerful beast has been stalking the area. A creature that may have been pushed out of its own territory in recent months.

(OOC: Combat scene featuring HP Bar.)
Moon over the Wisteria blossoms 2021 April 16th
In which, Wisteria takes the first step towards mastering her craft of curses.
Pandora's Trojan Gift 2021 April 18th
Where a merchant prince was to be, a plan was crafted.

A gift meant for kings and royalty alike. A box of great treasures and wealth beyond measure.Such a gift for the prince, but the plan goes astray.

Instead the people now must suffer, while the prince stays away. Aware of the deeds planned and whispers on the wind. The people suffer alone with only their cries reaching the skies.

For adventurers must come and put an end to this nightmare, but will they end it in time, before to many suffer?

(( Date subject to change, but hoping for about this day and time ))
Duty Session 265: Karluin Reclamation - Keep 2021 April 22nd
With the goblin forces largely cleared out of the bulk of Karluin Castle Town, and without any means of penetrating the fortress' mysterious underground yet, the reclamation effort has now moved towards taking back the main keep at the city's easternmost side. But with the goblins backed into a corner, and their new leader surely commanding the keep's defenses personally, reclaiming the citadel will by no means be a small task. Still, the quest to clear Karluin at the Hunters Guild remains open, with a new list of terms promising salvage rights of the valuable loot hidden away within the castle's ancient coffers.

Difficulty:    Hard
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       4
World Rewards: Progress on freeing Karluin
Duty Session 205: A Dark and Stormy Night 2021 April 29th
During the Storm Festival, it is common for Adventurers to gather indoors at a local inn or tavern. Any place to get away from the heavy rains and piercing wind. However, on one such Dark and Stormy Night, a Lander has come inside from the storm, bringing with them an unusual quest. They are tasked to brave the storm and face wind elementals in order to gather some strange alchemical ingredient.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Storm Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based, with some minor uses of other concept types.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Climb: The Floor 7 Boss 2021 April 30th
Adventurers reach further up. Passing through the town of 'Monster Arena' into the depths of Wyvern Infested Lands, seeking out the dangerous twin Wyverns that are rumored to serve as the Floor Boss of the region, and blocking their move to the 8th floor.

Prepare your Switch-Axe, grab your Dual Blades, and leave the Insect Glaive at home because it's still not a viable weapon... it's time to slay some Wyverns!
I've Been Through The Sewers on a Slime With No Name 2021 May 1st
It felt good to be out of the drain. / If you're Uta you can't remember your name / 'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain (at 20% dampening)
Duty Session 275: Spooky Scary Skeletons 2021 May 2nd
During the Shadow Festival, the number of dark element monsters and undead seems to increase across the lands of Yamato. In the desert landscape of the Holy Empire Westelande, this is a particular problem, as the harsh desert seems to yield even more of these monsters. The Hunter's Guild has reached out to Adventurers, hoping to quell the numbers of undead before they become a threat to Breg Epona.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Shadow Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Candy Trail 2021 May 4th
The citizens of Carmina Gadelica have set up a series of houses which have been indicated as having special treats for the festival. Participants go from house to house in their best costume, showing off certain skills to the Landers. If they impress each host, they will be given treats! For many, it is a competition to see who can finish with the most goodies at the end of the trail.

(OOC: Card+Concept event, utilizing the following concepts: Tailoring, Dark, Negotiation, Song, Handle Monster)
Festival: Kitty Candy 2021 May 7th
In the Firefly Alley, within Dun Loireag, a single shop has been passing out a specific kind of candy for many years now. But recently, a fake product has reached the streets, and this 'Cat Cat Candy' that is being released by a mysterious second party is causing significant problems - poisoning people and lowering their trust in Kitty Candy. The Adventurers are hired to investigate.
Two 'Troublemakers' in Alne 2021 May 7th
Duty Session 279: Spooky Scary Skeletons 2021 May 8th
During the Shadow Festival, the number of dark element monsters and undead seems to increase across the lands of Yamato. In the desert landscape of the Holy Empire Westelande, this is a particular problem, as the harsh desert seems to yield even more of these monsters. The Hunter's Guild has reached out to Adventurers, hoping to quell the numbers of undead before they become a threat to Breg Epona.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Shadow Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Festival: Labyrinth of Shadows 2021 May 8th
The people of the Eastal Free League have reached out to the Hunters Guild with more strange happenings in the Labyrinth Forest. Since the beginning of the Festival, a darkness has fallen over the dungeon zone. Rewards are offered for those brave enough to risk themselves in the strange, maze of monsters in order to discover what may be at the heart of this unusual occurance.

(OOC: Exploration and Combat based event using card+concept. Successes and failures determine specific consequences for the characters in each challenge.)
Festival: Monster Race 2021 May 8th
The Quick-Feather Peko Ranch is advertising a promotional Monster Race for the Shadow Festival! Monster Handlers will be able to race their own mounts, or rent one. If you are not a Monster Handler, don't worry. You get to team up with an NPC Monster Handler, who will focus on controlling your ride while you take care of the challenges of the race!

There are also rumors that one of the participants is going to pull a stunt that has been weeks in preparation, something which, if successful, could be a game-changer...

OOC: Classic racing scene. Open to anyone. Adventurers without the 'Handle Monster' skill will temp-NPC an Adventurer who does (your PC Adventurer bet on them, will ride along and take care of the challenges, but the monster itself will be under the control of the NPC). If your Adventurer is a Monster Handler but doesn't have a mount, you will be given a loaner (sorry, you don't get to keep it after the scene). The scene doubles as a personal-mini-plot-conclusion scene for Uta; she will be in the race, but to avoid a conflict of interests, Uta's presence will not affect the final OOC ranking. Rewards will be given out as if Uta wasn't there at all.
Duelist League: Setsuna vs Michio 2021 May 12th
Duelist League: Prophylaxis vs Setsuna 2021 May 12th
The Quest for Rest 2021 May 14th
Setsuna's been looking rather tired of late. Uta decides to look into the matter.
Too Goo To Be True 2021 May 15th
Uta has been behaving strangely.
Well, yes, but, I mean... strangely for Uta standards.
Yes. Let that sink in.
Duty Session 290: Totally Typical Tomb 2021 May 16th
Landers don't leave bodies to bury, but graveyards are still created as a place for them to mourn the departed. For some reason these places are randomly becoming infested with undead. The Hunter's Guild has an open quest available for clearing these infestations.
Climb: The Floor 8 Boss 2021 May 17th
Adventurers pass through the eight floor with very little resistance. The Gnomes telling them of the Tower that has had its doors remain closed.

What lies waiting for them within the climb to the 9th floor?
The Final Hunt 2021 May 19th
Every hunt most come to an end. Be it the death of the hunted or the hunter. The only question one may have to ask, who is which.

The final hunt is here, who will win?
Who will die?
Only thing either can be sure, is it ends today...

    Sylver vs...
        Shiruba & Friends

(( Date may alter, but this will be the timeframe we are looking at. Hope to see you all there! ))
Duty Session 295: Karluin Reclamation - Keep 2021 May 23rd
With the goblin forces largely cleared out of the bulk of Karluin Castle Town, and without any means of penetrating the fortress' mysterious underground yet, the reclamation effort has now moved towards taking back the main keep at the city's easternmost side. But with the goblins backed into a corner, and their new leader surely commanding the keep's defenses personally, reclaiming the citadel will by no means be a small task. Still, the quest to clear Karluin at the Hunters Guild remains open, with a new list of terms promising salvage rights of the valuable loot hidden away within the castle's ancient coffers.

Difficulty:    Hard
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       4
World Rewards: Progress on freeing Karluin
Meeting the Landers: Mystery Spriggan - III 2021 May 25th
The Mystery Spriggan has remained within Tolbana for quite a while now, awaiting the return of the beasts that chased them. But it seems the time has finally come, and the Scale Emblem Alliance is prepared to deal with the approaching creatures.
Duty Session 300: Is It Wrong to Pick Up Slimes in a Dungeon? 2021 May 29th
There are plenty of places in Alne that seem to have been left abandoned up until recently. The influx of Adventurers and Landers have caused empty areas of the city to become occupied in quick order. As the city is surrounded by water, it is also particularly prone to infestations of slimes. Landers are reporting that they are having trouble getting water into some areas of the city. They are asking for Adventurers who might be brave enough to face the sewers and waterways beneath the city to clear out some of the slimes in order to help get the water flowing again.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Increases in clean water availability in Alne.
Duty Session 301: Is It Wrong to Pick Up Slimes in a Dungeon? 2021 May 29th
There are plenty of places in Alne that seem to have been left abandoned up until recently. The influx of Adventurers and Landers have caused empty areas of the city to become occupied in quick order. As the city is surrounded by water, it is also particularly prone to infestations of slimes. Landers are reporting that they are having trouble getting water into some areas of the city. They are asking for Adventurers who might be brave enough to face the sewers and waterways beneath the city to clear out some of the slimes in order to help get the water flowing again.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Increases in clean water availability in Alne.
Duty Session 303: Travel with Triffids 2021 May 30th
The Mage's Tower has put out a request through the Hunter's Guild. There is a rare monster migration, a rare subspecies of ambulatory water dwelling Triffids are traveling to their ancestral breeding grounds. These carnivorous plants have become very hard to gather given the Leviathans, their rare components are much in demand. Where they come ashore and where they're traveling to are both known, but the route they take wanders so there may be some trouble locating them in transit.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Safer routes near Ninetails Dominion.
Festival: Trek the Mountain 2021 June 3rd
An old man has put in a request through the Hunters Guild to 'go to the top of the mountain, and show him the gems in the hot springs above', speaking of seeing this 'amazing sight' during his younger days, but no longer having the energy to climb up the mountain himself.
Duty Session 308: Abandoned Springs 2021 June 4th
During the Hot Springs Festival, there are often times that new springs find themselves bubbling to the surface. Sometimes, old, abandoned locations can find themselves flowing with fresh, clean water once more. The Hunter's Guild has reached out to Adventurers about one such location, which seems to have attracted some unusual activity around it. They are looking for people to clear out any monster activity around the site.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Hot Springs Festival. This quest is exploration and combat-based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duelist League: Ayame vs Uta 2021 June 5th
Ayame vs Uta
Climb: The Floor 9 Boss - Part 1 2021 June 6th
Adventurers continue the climb, and are faced by a massive wall that halts their way to the Tower's Exit to the tenth floor. They have all heard the rumors of the Dark Pooka Queen, but first they must pass through the gates to her domain, so they may reach the Floor Boss.
Climb: The Floor 9 Boss - Part 2 2021 June 7th
Past the wall lies the Pooka Queen. The troops enter her ruined castle, and seek to rise up against her so they may lay foot upon the dreaded Tenth Floor.
Unnatural Consequences 2021 June 9th
With the defeat of the Dark Pooka Queen, the Landers of the 9th Floor have been released of their bondage. Prophylaxis goes to inform them of the good news, but receives word that the undead that were previously enforcing the queen's rule have gone berserk and have begun attacking the villagers. It turns out that the townsfolk aren't the only ones that have been freed from the yoke of servitude! Now the Scale Emblem Alliance's raid party, still fatigued from their fight against the queen, are called upon for one more heroic mission before finally enjoying their well-deserved rest.

QUEST ACQUIRED: Evacuate the Human Village of the 9th Floor of Aincrad to the Eighth and save the residents from a mindless horde of the walking dead!
We Have A Suspect, Now For A Motive 2021 June 12th
Uta knows whodunnit. But not why.
99 Luftballons 2021 June 13th
The Scale Emblem Alliance attempts its first launch of a basic air balloon, in the hopes of trying out alternative travel methods.
Duty Session 315: Travel with Triffids 2021 June 14th
The Mage's Tower has put out a request through the Hunter's Guild. There is a rare monster migration, a rare subspecies of ambulatory water dwelling Triffids are traveling to their ancestral breeding grounds. These carnivorous plants have become very hard to gather given the Leviathans, their rare components are much in demand. Where they come ashore and where they're traveling to are both known, but the route they take wanders so there may be some trouble locating them in transit.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Safer routes near Ninetails Dominion.
Head of the Devil 2021 June 17th
After several weeks of successful operation, the Aincrad Express has become a vital source of trade and transportation between the tower's floors. Unfortunately, not all of the tower's denizens are as pleased with the iron horse's non-stop passage.

The Seventh Floor is home to all manner of terrible beasts, and while some had emerged to obstruct the initial construction of the railway through the mountains, up until now the Scale Emblem has been able to deal with all comers. But with news of unusual seismic activity in the area and the appearance of a terrifying beast burrowing out of the mountainside, the alliance's elites have been called in to deal with the issue.

But will it be as simple as a routine monster extermination, or is this just the harbinger to the awakening of greater threats from beneath the earth?

((OOC: Boss fight scene on the 7th floor that will be using the HP Bar system. Bring your flash pods and your charged blades!))
Festival: The Killer Claus 2021 June 24th
People have been going missing. There are rumors of monster dressed in red clothing that is kidnapping Landers and holding them captive. This is no kind and friendly Santa, but something more dark and sinister.

(OOC: Boss Battle with HP Bar.)
Carnival Nights 2021 June 25th
The Carnival of the Night is back again, but this time it seems they are not putting up as large of a festive. No, it seems there are only a few. Some music, some food, and one lone tent.

The tent belong to a woman who can see your possible future by the roll of the dice. Do you care to have your fortune told? Or would you rather see if you can learn more about what this devious crew may be up too?

Come and make your path with the Carnival of the Nighht!

Going to try to wrap this up before the bigger scene in the evening, so no one feels like they have to make a choice. I also plan to keep this more on the social low-key, while combat 'could' happen, that is not my goal.
I'd like to ease back into things and see about getting players involved who haven't had a chance yet to fully interact with anything regarding Helena & The Forgotten.

Hope to see you all there!
An average work day 2021 July 4th
Climb: The Floor 10 Boss 2021 July 8th
The Scale Emblem finally storms the icy cave castle of the 10th floor boss. Various high ranking members of the Alliance are joining in on this first raid against the boss of the 10th floor, ready to put an end to the boss that has plagued peoples' minds for so very long.

Warning: Chance of character death and consequences is high on this one.
A New Year - Alne 2021 July 12th
A new year begins for the Adventurers, bringing new stories, and new adventures. Various Alliances have come together to create a party atmosphere within all of Alne. There's people assigned for firework like spells, and various groups are catering massive amounts of food, helped by various Lander organizations.
Duty Session 326: Reclaim the Peko Fort 2021 July 13th
Through the Hunter's guild the Peko Knights have put in a request for help. It appears that a small but key outpost of the Peko Knight's has fallen to Helena's undead forces. They are seeking a brave band of adventurers to help clear the problem, in exchange the Peko Knight is willing to loan out the outpost to the alliances, once it is clear.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduced danger from Helena's undead forces.
To cure the soul with the senses 2021 July 14th
Boozing fixes everything.
Duty Session 329: Karluin Reclamation - Labyrinth 2021 July 17th
The goblin stronghold in Karluin Keep has finally been weakened enough to send teams into the underground labyrinth through recently discovered entryways in pursuit of the Goblin King. Unfortunately, the vast maze of tunnels under the fortress-town has proved all but impenetrable to average reconnaissance teams. Elite explorers have been called upon to penetrate the dangerous depths, eliminate threats found within, and track down the source of the goblin infestation once and for all. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done; the depths are home not only to the local goblins, but a number of elemental machines, deadly traps and other hitherto unknown dangers waiting to befall unprepared adventuring parties.

Difficulty:    Hard
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: A chance at the Karluin Dungeon Heart.
Duty Session 333: A Distant Voyage 2021 July 23rd
A new year has begun, and the way has been opened. Only the bravest of souls seems willing to risk the long journey that may bring them to other lands, beyond.

Stormy seas beacon. Leviathans lurk in the depths. The unknown expanses of the ocean call to those with an adventurous heart. But will they survive to find out what lies beyond the edge of Yamato?

OOC: This +duty requires a minimum of a week of travel. Please plan accordingly around time-sensitive events.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Access to the 'Land of Dragons'.
Duty Session 335: Reclaim the Peko Fort 2021 July 29th
Through the Hunter's guild the Peko Knights have put in a request for help. It appears that a small but key outpost of the Peko Knight's has fallen to Helena's undead forces. They are seeking a brave band of adventurers to help clear the problem, in exchange the Peko Knight is willing to loan out the outpost to the alliances, once it is clear.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduced danger from Helena's undead forces.
Labyrinth Forest: Baphomet 2021 July 31st
Setsuna and the crew enters the Labyrinth Forest in order to hunt the being known as Baphomet, in order to figure out the matter of his nightmares.
Duty Session 339: Karluin Reclamation - Labyrinth 2021 August 1st
The goblin stronghold in Karluin Keep has finally been weakened enough to send teams into the underground labyrinth through recently discovered entryways in pursuit of the Goblin King. Unfortunately, the vast maze of tunnels under the fortress-town has proved all but impenetrable to average reconnaissance teams. Elite explorers have been called upon to penetrate the dangerous depths, eliminate threats found within, and track down the source of the goblin infestation once and for all. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done; the depths are home not only to the local goblins, but a number of elemental machines, deadly traps and other hitherto unknown dangers waiting to befall unprepared adventuring parties.

Difficulty:    Hard
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: A chance at the Karluin Dungeon Heart.
Fourth Floor: Missive 2021 August 7th
A missive reaches the Scale Emblem Alliance from the Mayor of the fourth floor town, Lord Roswaal L Mathers. It explains that he has to travel for a while, and that there has been a strange sighting of dangerous beasts around his mansion. He wishes for the Scale Emblem Alliance to safeguard the town while he is away on business - as a good faith gesture towards his people.
Duty Session 341: Obligatory Rat Maze 2021 August 10th
It has been a year of Adventurers delving into the underground of various cities across Yamato, seeking to eliminate the rat infestation that has caused so many shopkeepers trouble. After all this time, something finally seems to have changed. The shopkeeper's dialogue has changed, explaining that while repairing their cellars, they found a passageway into a deeper part of the underground. Since then, rats have been finding their way up through the previously sealed passage.

Now, they are seeking brave Adventurers who are willing to, once again, explore the tunnels beneath the city, in order to seek out this new source of rats.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 345: The Phantom Colosseum 2021 August 20th
In the effort to clear out the colosseum on the phantom atoll, a party is formed and sets out to explore and fight on the island to try to help clear out the monsters there. Due to several monster nests on the island, it is likely to be a difficult fight ahead.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       4
World Rewards: Victories bring the colosseum one step closer to being cleared of its Sahuagin 'owners' and towards falling into Adventurer hands.
Meet the Landers: Roswaal L Mathers 2021 August 24th
Setsuna is invited to meet with Roswaal L Mathers after reports from Rem about his control over his Cerberus pet.
Pre-Flight (Not-Quite) Jitters 2021 August 25th
Duty Session 351: Shrine of the Dragon King 2021 August 30th
Far from any Root Town, nestled deep in the misty ravines in the southern reaches of the Palace Lands, there is rumored to sleep an ancient altar sacred to the divine spirit, Longwang. Unfortunately, without any local adventurers to cull their numbers, the shrine has been all but overrun by monstrous apes. Now running rampant, the mad monkeys need to be put down to restore some semblance of holiness to the shrine. Perhaps Longwang will award a blessing to those who fight to cleanse this sacred space? But even if he does not, the high-level monsters in the area are sure to drop some pretty substantial loot!

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec Party:     3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce the danger near Seeker's Landing.
Let's Vary Piracy 2021 August 31st
With cat-like tread, the Scale Emblem Alliance has located a band of pirates in the Fourlands Dukedom who own a ship they would very much like for themselves. They wait for the piratical band to come ashore to resupply before springing their deadly ambush.

Roll-based combat scene, run by yours truly. Open to all, but focused toward the Scale Emblem. Prophylaxis will not be appearing in this episode, but he'll be with you all in spirit!

Sadly, the first challenge will be waiting for a healer to join the queue...
Spider Tag 2021 September 4th
That crazy necromancer is up to something weird again. In the mine of Spinner's end, and within the area known as Spinner's deep it seems Setsuna is trying to chase down spiders and place enchanted crystals in them. All in the name of science, so he claims. Anyone who wishes to come help out with science is welcome.
Test Flight Number Two 2021 September 5th
Corporate Bond'ed Hearts 2021 September 7th
The Slime Labs offers a competitive Workforce Gratification Package. Discover the special advantages it grants during the Bonded Hearts Festival!
Tournament: Setsuna vs Xander 2021 September 9th
Xander is taking on Setsuna, as a Scale on Scale action takes place to see who will be moving forward and who will be going home!

Can the tank have a successful defensive, or will the 'Necromancer' put his opponent in the 'grave'. Be there to find out!!

OOC NOTE: Scene may start a bit early or an hour late. We are kinda playing this a bit by ear since I am juggling last minute prep for trip and family wanting to spend time before I vanish for several days.

It also may get moved completely, so we will see what happens!
Festival: Sweet Tidings Fair 2021 September 10th
During the Bonded Heart Festival, there is often a fair which offers up delicious food, unusual sweets from around Yamato, and the chance to try your luck at a number of small games. It is a time to spend with friends, enjoying each other's company, exchanging gifts, or challenging each other in various tests of skill. (OOC: Non-GMed social scene with a number of small skill test booths for earning prizes.)
Tournament: Yuuki vs Setsuna 2021 September 12th
Who will win!? I know who I'm betting on!
Duty Session 355: A Distant Voyage 2021 September 12th
A new year has begun, and the way has been opened. Only the bravest of souls seems willing to risk the long journey that may bring them to other lands, beyond.

Stormy seas beacon. Leviathans lurk in the depths. The unknown expanses of the ocean call to those with an adventurous heart. But will they survive to find out what lies beyond the edge of Yamato?

OOC: This +duty requires a minimum of a week of travel. Please plan accordingly around time-sensitive events.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    5+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Access to the 'Land of Dragons'.
Tournament Kauchemar vs Setsuna 2021 September 19th
Kauchemar vs Setsuna, who will win this semi-final fight.
Adventurer Misantventures 2021 September 23rd

    Boats have gone missing in fishing villages in the Holy Empire of Westlande, and adventurers have been asked to look into their disappearances. In particular, one village on the northeastern side of the continent has been being plagued, to the point where some of the villagers have begun to grow superstitious and are considering abandoning their village to migrate to a new location. They're hesitant though, because this area has been particularly fertile for their fishermen, so they're attempting to get adventurer help.
A Woman of Many Parts 2021 October 2nd
A day in the lab 2021 October 3rd
Monster Nest: Karluin 2021 October 4th
The Scale Emblem Alliance commit to their final assault upon the Karluin's Monster Nest, aiming to take down its presumed heart.
Meeting the Adventurers: Eas 2021 October 16th
Some of the members of the Palace Lands come to visit the Yamato region. They've heard of a place named Eas where Landers intermingle with Adventurers in a newly budding region, and have come to understand how this is possible.
Palace Lands: Explosive Counterslimers 2021 October 23rd
Uta and friends head up the mountains in the Palace Lands in order to find the difficult-to-find 'Explosive Slimes'.
Duty Session 375: Bun-Bun Festival 2021 October 25th
Once a year, the Bun-Bun Festival brings with it a sense of cheer to the peoples of Yamato. The Landers prepare for a huge banquet, asking Adventurers to aid them in the task. It's bound to be a hopping good time. Right?

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Palace Lands: Teratect Dangers 2021 October 27th
Setsuna and a group of other Adventurers set out westwards from Kallamore, to investigate the ruins to the west of it in search of the mysterious spider creatures called 'Teratects'.
Duty Session 377: A Clucking Disaster 2021 October 30th
Things have gone very wrong on one of the local farms. With the start of the Bun-Bun Festival, the Clucks have also started to act out. They are causing trouble all around the farm. The owners are looking for capable adventurers who might be able to help them with their big Clucking problem.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Bun-Bun Festival. This quest is a mix of combat and non-combat concepts.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
A day in the life 2021 November 6th
Of crazed slime slaves and zombie masters
Duty Session 384: The Deadly Caves Of Toxic Death! 2021 November 14th
The discovery: a long-forgotten system of caves packed with venomous monsters. The mission: the Hunters' Guild rewards killing or capturing the deadly creatures which lurk within. The rumor: it is said that the place is home to unusual monsters, and where there are unusual monsters, there are unusual drops?

Difficulty:    Easy/Moderate (depending on branch)
Rec Party:     3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce venomous monster activity in Westelande.
Climb: The Floor 10 Boss 2021 November 15th
The Scale Emblem Alliance has been making preparations. Sending in some more scout teams, and gathering new allies in order to deal with the unusual battle at the floor 10 boss. They finally have come to a point they consider themselves to be ready... and move out.
A SEA of Enchantment 2021 November 16th
In which June hunts down assistance from the Enchanters of Scale
Plort of Call 2021 November 21st
She's a Monster-Handling Musical Kung-Fu Nurse with an attention span problem and a drive to uncover the Truths of this World. He's a tower-pushing Necromancer with a passion for the local watering holes and an ever growing menagerie of monters that are either canine or made of bones.

Together, they fight crime!

Well, 'breed slimes', actually. But it doesn't sound as cool...
Duty Session 386: Still Tide Pirate Lair 2021 November 26th
Through the efforts of many Adventurers, the home base of the infamous pirates that have plagued the waters around Yamato has finally been tracked down. Initial scouting reports tell that the Pirate Lair is largely run by humanoid monsters of all sorts, relishing in the spoils of their plunder.

As a known Monster Nest, the Hunters Guild is looking for brave souls who would be willing to help clear out some of the monsters in hopes that it will start to diminish some of the pirate activity that comes from the location.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduction in pirate activity in Yamato.
To talk of slimes and things. 2021 December 5th
Seal: The Vampire Castle 2021 December 10th
A large Ninetails Army has gathered - having pushed back much of the Undead in the Ninetails Dominion, using superior mobility to get within range. With the assistance of items gathered by the Lander Heroes, they plan to Seal the Vampire Scourge for the time being. But the Undead are certain to retaliate. As such, the many Adventurers who have been aiding in keeping the undead at bay are invited to aid.
Festival: Siren Song 2021 December 16th
It's the end of everyone's favorite beach-celebrating festival... And something is terribly wrong. Reports of missing persons are piling up in Westelande, all of which seem to be occuring at or near one of the kingdom's coastal parties. Reports all mention hearing a bewitching song in the air, and adventurers sent to investigate have all been reviving at their respective root towns with no memory of what killed them.

It's time to send in the experts.

(OOC Note: Memories may be at risk! But where there is risk, there is a chance for valuable rewards.)
Hungry Like a Wolfgarm 2021 December 19th
A wolfgarm infestation has been plaguing the fourth floor of the tower for the last few months and the hunter guild is finally able to end up an investigator to investigate the best path to start finalizing the formal quest. Due to the danger of this investigation the Hunter's guild has requested the one who initially put in the request for the hunter guild to accept this quest to provide protection for the investigator. So now Setsuna is quickly trying to gather a motley band of misfits together to escort the investigator through the Wolfgarm's territory on the fourth floor.

OOC: This will be ran like a duty, challenges, rolls, 3 card limit. All that fun stuff. Any questions feel free to ask.
Duty Session 403: Zombie Jamboree 2021 December 28th
While those who had controlled the undead hordes of Ninetails are now sealed, at least temporarily, there are still many that roam the lands, creating a menace to the people of the Kingdom. Rylen Corvus of Crescent Moon has worked with the Merchant Blades and the Peko Army to commission a Hunter's Guild quest to help thin some of these numbers.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce the number of roving undead in the Ninetails Dominion.
Welcoming the Uncrowned 2022 January 1st
The Doctor of Tolbana has an interest in meeting the Uncrowned, but the situation being what it is has had him holed up in the tower coordinating business more often than not. So, instead of sallying forth to meet them out in the wilderness, Prophylaxis has instead invited them to the Dragon's Larder inn, Tolbana, for some rest, relaxation, and an opportunity to potentially find a safe harbor in war-torn Yamato.

Plus, he might just have a few questions to ask them as well...
We don't need no stinking Triffids 2022 January 5th
    Adventurers; out trying to do their Duty and complete a quest for the Hunter's Guild, instead discover that a crowned has been there before them and now? it's a fight.

    (OOC Haechi has captured a field boss, between it and her massive summon, can the Yamotoans survive? There is a strong threat of memory loss. I would like to limit this to a 'party' doing a duty. 3-7 players)
Duty Session: Tome Raider 2022 January 8th
An entry point to the library tower on the Tower's fourth floor has finally been found. Kauchemar is leading the initial investigation of the mysteries held within, for both the Hunter's Guild and a personal objective.%(Initial run of a new Duty)
Festival: Lightning Storm 2022 January 13th
Liminality will run a scene on this date and time. Details to follow.
Festival: Eye of the Storm 2022 January 15th
As seems to occurr during some festivals, a strange dungeon has seemingly appeared in the eye of a storm off the coast of the Isle of Beginnings. The winds have blown enough surf and rubble away from the entrance for it to become accessible, but only for a short time. What may lie within?

(OOC: Duty-alike dungeon delving with Reminisce-style unusual status effects and unusual occurances.)
Meet the Landers: Roswaal J Mathers 2022 January 18th
Setsuna returns to the Mayor of the 4th floor to report on his findings.
War of Dragons: Amidst The Tower 2022 January 30th
Strange things are happening on the 5th floor of the Floor. Bright lights showing in the night. The Scale Emblem Alliance investigates.
Necromancer on the roof 2022 February 13th
War of Dragons: Breach 2022 February 20th
The Tear of Ice breaches through from the Catacombs of Karluin, and manages to tear down into the Fourth Floor - entering the Domain of Rovia. The battle continues.
Duty Session 445: Isle of the Terraformers 2022 March 12th
Strange dark creatures have been reported by various members of the Hunter's Guild. These creatures seem to be drawn to the power of the Elements. However, these are no friendly creatures. They have been seen actively trying to do harm to Divine Beasts or other natural sources of Elemental Energy. The Were Fang, Mikage Yurei, has discovered the location which seems to spawn these creatures into the world and brought that information to the Hunter's Guild. Now, the Guild seeks Adventurers willing to delve into unknown Gnomish ruins to reduce the threat of these 'Terraformers'.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce 'Terraformer' activity. Increase capabilities of the Divine Beasts of Yamato.
Duty Session 452: Reclaim the Peko Fort 2022 March 27th
Through the Hunter's guild the Peko Knights have put in a request for help. It appears that a small but key outpost of the Peko Knight's has fallen to Helena's undead forces. They are seeking a brave band of adventurers to help clear the problem, in exchange the Peko Knight is willing to loan out the outpost to the alliances, once it is clear.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduced danger from Helena's undead forces.
War of Dragons: Tear of Ice 2022 March 31st
The month has expired, and the Whale upon the fourth floor is looking worse for wear. The Scale Emblem stands ready to try and make a final stand against the powerful Machina. But will they have enough people and plans ready to finish it off?!
Duty Session 449: For Whom the Bell Gnolls 2022 April 5th
Recently, there has been a shift in the behavior of the gnolls who dwell within the forests close to the newbie leveling areas. They had always been a threat, but it seems as if they have started to change their tactics as a result of Adventurer activity in the area. They no longer strike only at night, meaning that the forests are now a dangerous place, even during the daylight hours. With a number of both Lander and Adventurer deaths attributed to the gnolls, the Hunters Guild has put out a call to thin out their numbers, in the hopes it might return gnoll activity back to normal levels.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduce gnoll activity in new player leveling areas.
The Man Who Gnoll Too Much 2022 April 10th
Having learned a bit about the glitched Hogger in the Gnoll duty, Schneider and Scale are going to try and cure/fix/help the glitchy gnoll recover, and thereby find out, if he can be convinced to help, what exactly is going on with the gnolls.
War of Dragons: Carmina Gadelica 2022 April 17th
With the aid of Gilgamesh, Adventurers delve into the depths of Carmina Gadelica - not just to find the 'Old Man' thought to be hidden beneath, but also to turn Carmina Gadelica into a proper Kingdom. With Gilgamesh at the lead, this is sure to be an interesting event.

This event is open to all. Take note of the earlier time.
LOONS Assemble! 2022 May 1st
An irregularly scheduled meeting of the Loosely Organized Open Network of Students (we need a name with a better acronym...)

Open social meant to continue as long as people want to keep it going, so it's possible the scene might be going even a long time after the starting time (to accomodate different timezones).

OOC: Scene to discuss findings and Lore. Open to anyone who's willing to participate in the cross-alliance effort to crack the Alv Language with the main goal of getting the Chaos Gates working again. Other related Lore (especially about Song) is likely to turn up. The only requirement for taking part to the group is accepting the principle of open research with Responsible Disclosure (results deemed potentially dangerous will not be published for the public at large) and sharing of any information found.
War of Dragons: Dun Loireag 2022 May 2nd
The Scale Emblem Alliance delves into the depths of Dun Loireag. Some of their members are already familiar with the secrets that lie beneath the depths of that city, hidden behind those cavern walls. And with the aid of one of the Landers, they dive even further into its cogged depths.

This event is aimed at Scale Emblem, but is open for additional participants if they can't make the other events.
Duty: No Game Gnoll Life 2022 May 4th
The location the demonworshipper Gnolls have been amassing their power has been located. The most foulest of fel rituals to bring their demonic master to bear. Shiruba is leading an expedition into what's possibly a literal hellhole to get to the bottom of the situation. But these are far from the average Gnolls we'll be dealing with. Adventurers are going to be put to the test to start bringing an end to this escalation.

Bring your Big Stuff and your A Game, it's time to make some heads gnoll.

(Date tentative to give people time to prepare for a high stakes adventure Duty. May change due to life or Festival events.)
Festival: TBD 2022 May 5th
This will be a Liminality-run +event. Contents to be determined when Reminisce can harass him to update this. Placeholder for now.
Duty Session 478: Haunted House On Ninetail Hill 2022 May 6th
An Obsidian level quest has been posted at the Hunters Guild in the Ninetails Dominion. A rather eccentric Monster Handler Lander named Rionnag Taisbeanadh, the owner of a rather sizable mansion a few miles out from Dun Loireag, was attempting to create a haunted house. But the problem is that it has gotten a 'bit too haunted' for his liking, and he has requested Adventurers to please go through his house to minimize the amount of monsters in his house without making a mess of the place.

Difficulty:    Average
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       1
World Impact: A safe Haunted House!
Fox hunt 2022 May 14th
Duty: Gnoll it all 2022 May 23rd
This duty is going away so trying to gather a group together to go run it. As for GM , unless someone else volunteers I will be GMing
A magician and a conman 2022 May 27th
Duty Session 494: No Game Gnoll Life 2022 May 29th
The Gnolls of the Isle of Beginnings have become increasingly hostile since the Apocalypse. At last, through the investigations of intrepid Adventurers, the source of this change in the monstrous creatures has been discovered. The Gnolls appear to be trying to summon a demon entity known as Yeenagi. The Adventurers must face off against the strongest of the Gnoll Generals to secure the place of the summoning and stop the Gnolls from unleashing this terror upon the world.

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Notes: Failing this +duty has non-death character consequences.
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Gain items needed to unlock the final boss battle against Yeenagi the Demon Gnoll.
The Doctor is In 2022 June 5th
Duty Session 500: No Game Gnoll Life 2022 June 18th
The Gnolls of the Isle of Beginnings have become increasingly hostile since the Apocalypse. At last, through the investigations of intrepid Adventurers, the source of this change in the monstrous creatures has been discovered. The Gnolls appear to be trying to summon a demon entity known as Yeenagi. The Adventurers must face off against the strongest of the Gnoll Generals to secure the place of the summoning and stop the Gnolls from unleashing this terror upon the world.

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Notes: Failing this +duty has non-death character consequences.
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Gain items needed to unlock the final boss battle against Yeenagi the Demon Gnoll.
A New Year II - Meteor Shower 2022 July 12th
As the New Year comes, there are some who did not gather in Alne. Instead, high up in the mountains of the Fourland Dukedom, there are those who prefer the wild. Gazing up at the stars as a Meteor Shower crosses across the atmosphere. An old man with a Telescope shows to watch with them.
Climb: The Floor 11 Boss 2022 July 17th
In the hopes of forcing the matter against the Palace Landers, the Scale Emblem Alliance moves to try and fight the 11th Floor Boss.
Dungeon Heart: Karluin Labyrinth 2022 July 23rd
The Scale Emblem Alliance delves into the depths of the Karluin Labyrinth once more, in search of the Dungeon Heart that feeds the dangerous region.

OOC Warning: Take note of the time. This scene is aimed at also permitting more Euro-time participation.
Meet the Landers: S'yne Lokk 2022 July 29th
The Scale Emblem Alliance seeks across the newly unlocked 12th floor, hoping to find out what happened! Eventually, amidst the ruins, they come across a woman...
Duty Session 512: No Game Gnoll Life 2022 August 7th
The Gnolls of the Isle of Beginnings have become increasingly hostile since the Apocalypse. At last, through the investigations of intrepid Adventurers, the source of this change in the monstrous creatures has been discovered. The Gnolls appear to be trying to summon a demon entity known as Yeenagi. The Adventurers must face off against the strongest of the Gnoll Generals to secure the place of the summoning and stop the Gnolls from unleashing this terror upon the world.

Difficulty:    High
Rec. Party:    5+
Notes: Failing this +duty has non-death character consequences.
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Gain items needed to unlock the final boss battle against Yeenagi the Demon Gnoll.
Search the Fifth 2022 September 13th
The Scale Emblem Alliance begins a search hoping to find something deeper and below the catacombs of the Fifth floor, hoping to find hints of what was once the Crystal Tower, or signs of the Tear of Ice.
War of Dragons 2: The Spider Goddess 2022 October 4th
As the Yamato Adventurers aid in scouting out the Thor Kingdom's holdings, they come across a township that is worshipping the 'Spider Goddess'. However, danger looms on the horizon as the Yamato team investigates.
Paint in Numbers 2022 October 30th
Yeenagi 2022 November 16th
As the Magical Door grinds open, revealing the rituatl chamber within, the keystones set into their recesses. The summoning of Yeenagi has begun. Can the Yamato Adventurers defeat Yeenagi, the Gnoll Leader?

OOC: Related to Project 600. Expect a difficult battle.
War of Dragons 2: Shipwrecked 2022 December 18th
On a journey up to Camp Wrath, one of the shipments of the Yamatoans meets its end under heavy fire by Rosenheim's fleet. By sheer luck, the crew finds themselves shipwrecked somewhere unusual.

OOC: Please take note of the time. This scene is scheduled for European times / US early afternoon.
War of Dragons 2: A Way Home 2022 December 21st
A brilliant idea leads those who were Shipwrecked within the ruined city of Dragon's Eye with a way home.
Goblins are forever 2023 February 18th
The Hunter's guild has gotten word from the temple of law that the Goblin Queen from Karluin is attempting to reform their army near the Great Tree of Lios. The Hunter's guild has set up a staging area near to where the goblin's have taken up residence. It is up to the adventuer's to sneak in and do what adventurers are best known for, slaying goblins.
Duty Session 575: Hungry Like a Wolfgarm 2023 March 4th
The mayor of Rovia, located on the fourth floor of the tower, has requested the aid of adventurers in thinning the population of the wolfgarm monsters in the nearby forest. These monsters have been attacking the town and, if nothing is done, it'll only be a matter of time before lander blood is spilt.

Difficulty:    Medium
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Reduced danger from monsters on the fourth floor.
If you can dodge a monster 2023 March 5th
Provided information from King Gilgamesh of a weird monster roaming the palace land woods near Seeker's Landing. So to finalize his training Setsuna has gathered up a group as crazy as he is to go and help him defeat this monster, while he tanks it by dodging.
War of Dragons 2: Act of Rebellion - Light - 1 2023 March 31st
The Light Team Adventurers fight a series of Ice & Barrier machines which seem to be hunting the strange 'Spider Goddess' of the Thor Kingdom. They manage to come out ahead.
War of Dragons 2: Act of Rebellion - Light - 2 2023 April 5th
In working to improve Camp White, the Light team discovers an outpost in the mountains that used to be used to monitor Rosenheim and Naval Monte. Uncovering mysteries of the past.
OOC: Staff-Alliance Announcement 2023 April 12th
This will be an OOC meeting for staff to discuss a future incoming change regarding Guilds and Alliances. This will be logged/posted to announcements when completed so that those not in the matching time-zone will be able to see the details of upcoming changes.

The main topics will be:
- Changes to Guild/Alliance structure.
- Clarification on Representatives (OOC/IC Expectations)

Please note: This will be a relatively short meeting focusing on these two topics. In the future, we will be scheduling specific OOC Alliance meetings/touch-bases regularly to better help the Alliances meet their IC and OOC goals.
War of Dragons 2: Act of Rebellion - Light - 3 2023 April 14th
The Adventurers aid Kumoko on infiltrating a Terraformer Factory run by Potimas Harrifenas - who is creating some kind of anti-magic field. With some quick thinking from Merek, and unfortunate sacrifices, they manage to detonate a Terraformer within the facility and appear to have eliminated the ruler of the Thor Kingdom along with the factory itself.
Duty Session 602: Clearing Dragon's Eye 2023 April 16th
In the center of the Palace Lands is the island of Dragon's Eye. Monsters roam the ruins and the mountains. Adventures are being hailed to clear the beasts out, allowing the Olympus Alliance to begin restoring the strange root city in earnest.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
War of Dragons 2: Act of Retaliation - 1 2023 April 29th
This is a Retaliation event in the Act of Rebellion / Act of Retaliation line.

Based on the actions taken this month, the hostile Palace Land kingdoms will seek to retaliate or root out the Uncrowned presence within the Palace Lands.
Lokk, Stock and Barrel 2023 July 3rd