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Latest revision as of 06:50, 1 August 2020




Race / Imp

Twin Blade / Enchanter


Not much is known about Shaskur's previous life. Choosing to embrace her new life in Yamato she wishes to live life freely and integrate herself into the world as it exists now. She seems to enjoy the art and history of the People of the Land, but also doesn't seem to mind strategically misplacing daggers in either Lander or Player backs. She is quiet and reserved, but also highly competitive. She often is hunting for new darkness spells, dagger techniques, and stealth maneuvers.

"All paths are open to me for I travel unseen." - Shaskur

Elder Tale Online


Additional Information

Alliance: New World Alliance
Kingdom: The Realm of Uruk
Skills: Absolute Darkness, Sneaky Sneak, Backstab(tm), Shadowstep, On My Own, Explore All The Things, Competative, Appreciate The Arts, Appreciate the Artes, Concealed One


Name Date Summary
Zekken vs Black Swordsman 2020 August 1st
A duel breaks out between the fighters known as Zekken and the Black Swordsman.
Duty Session 58: Goblin Scouts in the Field 2020 August 3rd
A porcelain quest has been offered to the Hunters Guild. There's reports of Goblin Scouts in the Eastal Free League region, close to the ruins of a place called 'Shibuya'. The region is largely open fields, with a lot of tall weeds. But there's old roads in the region that still carry some people who go to that region to gather some special herbs that can't be found anywhere else. The request requires the disposal of these goblins.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Arts and Crafts 2020 August 3rd
The Alne Workshop 'Ikigai' created by the combined efforts of the crafter community is slated to open it's doors to the general public soon, providing a place where crafters of all skill levels can freely come and practice their art and share their expertise regarding the current system and low level recipes.

The workshop is still small in it's developing stages and not entirely free. Plant Hwyaden is asking that those wishing to share their expertise and research the ongoing anomalies in the higher level recipes consider allying with the workshop using a Discovery Contract, which prevents abuse from either side.

OOC Note: This is a social/research scene where information will be shared and research done on the crafting system. Right now the Workshop has a focus on Artisany, Forging, Cooking, Tailoring and Alchemy. Though all crafting concepts are welcome, those listed have better support.

A 'Discovery' Contract is simply that the restoration of higher level recipes or the creation of any new recipe inside 'Ikigai' is the property of the creator, but that a portion of money made from that recipe going forwards goes to bettering the Workshop and Plant Hwyaden as a whole.
Duty Session 59: Spinner's End 2020 August 5th
The Landers in the Town of Beginnings seem to have a never ending string of trouble that comes their way. A few of the local Lander blacksmiths have complained that they are struggling to get the raw ore that they need. Apparently, the nearby mines have been overwhelmed with beasts and monsters, making it hard for the miners to continue their excavation efforts. It blips as an optional side-quest with a reward of improving the available resources in the Town of Beginnings.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       2
World Rewards: Increases in mining efficiency in Town of Beginnings.
Field Quest: The Cave Of Unknown Treasures 2020 August 5th
        << A notice is posted >>

Looking for three (3) willing adventurers to dive into a cave located near the beach. Dangers unknown. Possible treasure to be found.

If the treasure is real, what we divy out will be yours to keep, but most importantly, at least folks will gain some experience points!

        << Signed by Xander Scaleharth >>

OOC NOTE: This will be a GMed event, using concept rolls. No decks required. I can only take 3 people for this event, so first come, will be first serve. Also might be a reward by the end of this scene, though what that might be is up to staff agreement & discretion.
Crafters & Buyers 2020 August 9th
Ship to Ninetails Dominion 2020 August 10th
As a major hub of trade ships regularly sail to and from the Ninetails Dominion. Frequently adventurers can be found aboard these ships for a variety of reasons. Diplomatic efforts, trade merchants, hired guards from the Hunters Guild, or simply to travel and see what Yamato has to offer. Recently a giant hourglass has been seen counting down in Dun Loireag, the capital of the Ninetails Dominion, and this has led to many adventurers travelling there to research it or prepare for what is rumored to be a major event of some kind.

((OOC: This is a casual social scene for those that want to RP travelling to the Ninetails Dominion.))
Duty Session 78: Is It Wrong to Pick Up Slimes in a Dungeon? 2020 August 13th
There are plenty of places in Alne that seem to have been left abandoned up until recently. The influx of Adventurers and Landers have caused empty areas of the city to become occupied in quick order. As the city is surrounded by water, it is also particularly prone to infestations of slimes. Landers are reporting that they are having trouble getting water into some areas of the city. They are asking for Adventurers who might be brave enough to face the sewers and waterways beneath the city to clear out some of the slimes in order to help get the water flowing again.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: Increases in clean water availability in Alne.
Wave of Calamity: 1 2020 August 15th
The first Wave of Calamity has appeared upon the land of the Ninetails Dominion. None know what this is. None know what the Hourglass in Dun Loireag counts down to. But yet, it comes. It is Inevitibility.

The skies grow dark. The clouds churn. It's coming.
Field Quest: The Misty Ruins 2020 August 16th
        << A new notice is on the quest boards. >>

I am looking for three adventurers who like to go with me on a little expedition. There has been a rumor of a place that appears when the mist is heavy and vanishes as the mist leaves the land.

I don't know what we may find there, if anything, but be ready for anything.

        Xander Scaleharth

        << Directions are given with the note. >>

(( This will operate somewhat like a +duty, as such I can only have 3 people with me, so first come, first serve. You will require cards, but not a deck. If the dungeon is successful; As you can fail; Rewards will be given out by staff discretion. ))
A Night At The Pub 2020 August 25th
A small crowd of adventurers gather at Isekai Ryokan to shoot the breeze.
Valentine's Day Festivities 2020 August 26th
n the past, certain limited time events would usually be announced using bulletin boards or other out-of-game announcements. However, with the approach of Valentine's Day, many of the Root Towns are beginning to put up colorful decorations. Landers dialogue now seems to include mentions of the upcoming holiday. In Japan, it is customary for girls to give gifts to the men in thier lives for this particular holiday, leading to much whispering and gossip amongst the Landers.

While each of the Root Towns are hosting some manner of simple festivities, a more elaborate festival is being hosted within the Ninetails Dominion. Part in thanks for the aid of Adventurers who supported them during the recent Wave of Calamity, and in part to draw more business to the region. Setup has already begun in Dun Loireag for what promises to be a night of revelry.

(OOC: Social event to celebrate IC Valentine's Day. Shop owners/crafters may have booths to sell their wares. Cooks may have food stalls. Adventurers may host booths with games of chance. Socialize, exchange gifts, eat, drink, dance and be merry.)
Field Quest: Travel To The Misty Ruins 2020 August 30th
News has gotten out of a mysterious place that opens up during the early morning hours. A ruined city hiding in the mists. Tales of possible treasure could be inside. Hidden mysteries of this unknown place. Then there is stories of dark spirits!

Are you brave enough to journey into the Misty Ruins?

OOC NOTE: Cards required, not decks. There is no limit to how many people can join this, so come one and come all!
A day in the Isekai Ryokan 2020 September 8th
Where in, food is served, drinks are drunk, and talk of the world is had with Adventurers and Landers alike.
Scouting the Holy Empire 2020 September 20th
With all the events going on in the Holy Empire Shaskur decide to make a detour to get some on scene information.
Meeting the Landers: Kitty Candy 2020 September 25th
Shaskur comes to meet Jun Miruno after a significant amount of work approaching her through various channels.

OOC: Solo scene for Shaskur at this time.
Field Quest: Misty Ruins Finale: All Hail The King 2020 September 27th
The adventurers have come to this place once more. The princess is in a crystal and locked away. The king of the lands is fully twisted by the taint.

The kingdom is crumbling into oblivion.

This is the final battle to set these people free...

... And open a new chapter to the story.

Prepare for battle Adventurers, for on this day, you fight the Tainted King.

(( Cards required, not decks. Open to all who can make it. This will be a straight up boss fight with defense and attack rolls. I might just fully GM this one, so no Xander (possibly). When this is done, a new adventure will open up, but those details will be explained at the end! ))
Tower Shadow: Sabotage Near Tolbana 2020 October 2nd
Forces are starting to move within the tower that oppose the tower climbers. Will the adventurers of Tolbana be able to handle a sudden emergency?

OOC: This scene will take place primarily within Tolbana. It is planned for a max of 4 adventurers excluding myself. +scene/tag this scene to sign up, first come first serve.
Duel of the Curse Sword 2020 October 6th
Shaskur faces off against Merek
Solo Investigation Of A Destroyed Village 2020 October 9th
Field Quest: Trouble On The Farm 2020 October 11th
A local small farm village is having some trouble. Their livestock has been getting killed off at night and no matter what they do, they can't seem to catch the predator who is doing it!

So the farmers have got together their coin and have sent out a request to any adventurers who are willing to help. After all, if anyone can solve what is killing their livestock. It would be adventurers!

(( Make sure to have cards ready, cause here we go again on another duty-like crazy adventure! ))