Fukasa Yuri

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Fukasa Yuri, the Lily of the Depths.


Race / Undine

Hunter / Summoner


Known for a lot of things, Fukasa is one of those people who it's difficult to know for sure what all is true or not. Very little is known for sure, but the most notable things are that Fukasa was one of the top duelists in PVP events before the apocalypse, tended to help out newbies, and had worked to make a network of friends/contacts for when she needed things. Those who have been helped by her say that it's almost like following a wave that is sweeping away everything in its path. As for personality, there's a somewhat... concerning duality to her, out of combat she tends to be rather calm yet cheerful, but in combat... she gets... a little more into it than might be considered tasteful by some.

"Me? I'm just here to have fun. And it's more fun if there's more people playing, don't you think?" - Fukasa Yuri, the Lily of the Depths.

Elder Tale Online


Additional Information

Alliance: Olympus Alliance
Kingdom: The Fourland Dukedom
Skills: (Future) Mistress of the Arena, No Fish Puns here, Sure I'll help you, why not(You'll just owe me a favor later.), Oh look at that monster! I'll make it Mine, Possibly a hoarder.


Name Date Summary
Duty Session 90: Obligatory Rat Cellar 2020 September 1st
In each of the starting cities, there are at least a couple of poor merchant landers who have developed mysterious rat problems. This is clearly bad for business! A worried looking Lander stands outside their shop, rubbing their hands together, looking anxious, flagging down any passing Adventurer they can find to help.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       3
World Rewards: None
Field Quest: Caravan Escort 2020 September 6th
There is a few Landers that need willing adventurers to aid them! They need escorts to walk alongside their caravans from Carmina Gadelica Marina to Alne, as they move supplies from one town to the other.

With the rumor of possible goblins, Gnolls, and bandits about, these landers don't want to take any chances.

Will to you be willing to aid in the escort question for a possible reward in the end, along with some silver?

((OOC Note: Cards required, not decks. No limit to participation, beyond need at least 4 to earn reward, as I will be focusing on DMing (aka Xander won't be there), but I can handle more than just 4. Any questions, please feel free to contact me in advance. ))
Meeting the Landers: Mizufa Trude 2020 September 11th
A few Adventurers find their way to one of the massive Colloseums within Breg Epona, and meet with one of the most important Generals of the Empire.

OOC: For people who have Mizufa Trude as their Patron, or have specific goals regarding her.
Tournament Finale: Yuuki vs Mikage 2020 October 18th
The final showdown of the tournament!

Will Mikage come out victorious?

Will Yuuki remain the undisputed dueling champion?

Will Wisteria finally reveal she has a secret twin currently in a coma who has amnesia so can't remember that she's actually the real Wisteria and the current Wisteria took her place?

Find out in the next episode of Days of Our VR Lives!
Climb: The Floor 4 Boss 2020 November 1st
Shortly in the wake of the Third Floor boss, the Scale Emblem Alliance pushes through to the Fourth Floor boss! Their levels are still well ahead of what they need to be for the fourth boss, and they are feeling quite confident thanks to the last battle!

Usual Boss Battle rules! Minor Memories are at risk for people who stay past their HP danger zone.

OOC: If you are at this event, you can not attend Scene 407.
Fields Ablaze 2020 November 3rd
    Fires are burning on the hills,
    lives are running all full of fear.
    Three figures stand to observe their work,
    To watch with glee,
    To watch with glee.

    Run little lives run.
    Do not turn back,
    Do not turn back.

    For they come closer ever so closer.

    Do not turn back,
    Do not look back.

    Or they will have your soul for dinner.


    The people of the land need assistance of the Adventurers once more! With the open field being set on fire, landers and animals alike are forced to run for their lives.

They will not only need to deal with the burning blaze that might set as an arena floor, but also three enemies that want their blood!

(( Prepare for a battle, as the HP Bar will be present. ))
+duty: Slime Dungeon 2020 November 6th
GM-Run of the +duty Is It Wrong to Pick Up Slimes in a Dungeon? Running earlier in the day for those with earlier time zones. Would prefer to keep the group size to no more than 7.
Bibilan Dungeon 2020 November 12th ), it will be a very exploration/combat-heavy scene with minimal traps as complications. If I get enough players to join, there will be possible card rewards as well!
Duelist League: Fukasa Yuri vs Uta 2021 February 24th
Rumors spread across Yamato. Fukasa Yuri, who is known to have been a top-tier PVPer, is going up against Uta Furore, who is known to... just do her thing. It is notable that both fighters are members of Crescent Moon, so this will be a great opportunity for the guild to show off both how good its experienced members are, and how good the mentoring they give to newbies can be.

Everyone else can just join to see two people beating each other up. Because, seriously, who doesn't enjoy watching two people beating each other up?
Duty Session 237: The Mountain Memorial 2021 March 13th
During the time of the Firefly Festival, it is common for people to seek out old memorials in order to pay tribute to those who have passed. However, not all remembrance sights are easy to reach and some have been overrun by monsters over the years. A group of travelers have reached out to the Hunter's Guild, looking for aid from Adventurers in order to trek to a memorial stone seated high in the mountains. It will be a dangerous journey, but they seem willing to brave it in order to honor their ancestors.

OOC: This quest is only available during the Firefly Festival. This quest is largely 'Combat'-concept based.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: None
Duty Session 246: Goblins in Mac Anu 2021 March 28th
The sightings of Goblins have raised significantly within Mac Anu. Nobody has figured out the source of the Goblins yet, but the Hunters Guild is sending teams down into its sewers to lower its monster numbers and get an idea where the movements are coming from.

Difficulty:    Easy
Rec. Party:    3+
Rewards:       1
World Rewards: Reduce Goblin Presence in Mac Anu and unlock a plot project.
Obsidian: Mirror Mirror 2021 April 9th
With the Mac Anu treasure map completed, the Adventurers have finally gotten enough of an idea about where the Goblins under Mac Anu are coming from, and have managed to get to the target location. This is a two-part sequence, and follows directly from 'Obsidian: The Goblins of Mac Anu'.
The Gladiator's Camp: Maidensong Isle 2021 April 23rd
Fukasa Yuri puts together a party to establish a camp on the small island of Maidensong Isle, nearby the larger phantom atoll that houses the colliseum that Fukasa intends to 'liberate' from its current owners. The island will work as a staging point for forays and exploration of the phantom atoll. Due to the fog that tends to hang around the Phantom Atoll and Maidensong isle, she specifically requests someone with cartography skills to help navigate through the foggy reefs surrounding the area.
Duty Session 395: The Phantom Colosseum 2021 December 17th
In the effort to clear out the colosseum on the phantom atoll, a party is formed and sets out to explore and fight on the island to try to help clear out the monsters there. Due to several monster nests on the island, it is likely to be a difficult fight ahead.

Difficulty:    Moderate
Rec. Party:    4+
Rewards:       4
World Rewards: Victories bring the colosseum one step closer to being cleared of its Sahuagin 'owners' and towards falling into Adventurer hands.
War of Dragons: Uncrowned 2021 December 27th
The Uncrowned come to Alne to speak to the Adventurers who have gathered, revealing their existance and what is truly going on with the Palace Land war.
Exploration: Maidensong Isle 2022 January 23rd
Following a desciphered map, Uta leads a team to what is told to be a hidden treasure on what had previously only been seen as the jump-off point for the assaults on the Phantom Colliseum. What secrets could this isle hold for our intrepid adventurers?

(Mostly exploration/non-combat scene, I will take up to ~6 people.)
Refugee Rescue 2022 April 22nd
News has come to Baroness Wake of a group of Adventurer and Lander refugees trapped to the east of Mac Anu. She is organizing an urgent rescue mission to reach them, provide emergency healing, and evacuate them to temporary shelter at Eas.
May 20 16:00/Phantom Colliseum Run 2022 May 18th
I will be running The Phantom Colliseum with intent to do the colliseum ending, I am looking for at least 4-5 people for this run to be able to succeed on the split.
Phantom Colliseum Run 2022 May 21st
I will be running The Phantom Colliseum with intent to do the colliseum ending, I am looking for at least 4-5 people for this run to be able to succeed on the split.
May 21 18:30/Duel: Shirin vs Fukasa Yuri! 2022 May 21st
Well. Calling it a duel is possibly being far too nice. An ambush might be more accurate. It's just a question of who ends up ambushing who! Or if they even knew each other were there to begin with and just stumbled upon each other! ...Frankly we haven't decided, this is mostly just so neither of us forgets.
Duel: Shirin vs Fukasa Yuri! 2022 May 21st
Well. Calling it a duel is possibly being far too nice. An ambush might be more accurate. It's just a question of who ends up ambushing who! Or if they even knew each other were there to begin with and just stumbled upon each other! ...Frankly we haven't decided, this is mostly just so neither of us forgets.
Duel: Shirin vs Fukasa Yuri 2022 May 22nd
Phantom Colosseum Clearing: The Phantom City 2022 September 20th

    With interest being pushed towards clearing the Phantom Colosseum and rendering it into the hands of players, a foothold will need to be made. Launching off from a pier on a nearby island is good and all, but having a base of operations on the island itself will make for an easier time in pushing back and eliminating the Sahuagin who have taken up residence on the island.
From The Depths 2022 September 23rd
As the main raid party goes deep into the Colosseum to attempt to clear it of monsters and claim control of it, there is a deep groaning from within the center of the Atoll. It seems that clearing the city of monsters has triggered a sub-event, as the sunken ship in the middle of the Atoll raises to the surface, and a deep fog covers the island. The support party puts out a call for support from nearby adventurers, as the city is assaulted by the drowned former residents of the island!
Sep 29 11:00/(re)Meet The Maiden 2022 September 23rd
As the captain's spirit is freed from its sorrows, elsewhere, a young woman, saved from the ice begins to finally stir for the first time since she had been saved. No doubt her saviors have many questions, though how many she can answer may be debatable, having been frozen for so long.
Phantom Colosseum Clearing 2: The Colosseum 2022 September 27th
Having cleared the city and built a home base to recover and recollect in preparation for pushing deeper into the colosseum, the party pushes on to attempt to claim the heart of the Colosseum and take full control of the Colosseum, rendering it into Adventurer hands.

Priority slots for Yeowang, Hifumi, Curtana, Haru, and Gwen, will take up to two more players if there's interest.
(re)Meet The Maiden 2022 September 29th
As the captain's spirit is freed from its sorrows, elsewhere, a young woman, saved from the ice begins to finally stir for the first time since she had been saved. No doubt her saviors have many questions, though how many she can answer may be debatable, having been frozen for so long.
Mar 16 18:00/The Hunt for Blue December 2023 March 10th
It's said that in the seas near the isle of beginnings, there is a large monster that is known for spawning more monsters. Fukasa Yuri has recruited a team to assist in efforts of hunting it down and capturing the monster. After all, what better way to increase your ability to spawn monsters, than to tame a monster spawner to research on?