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Race / Cait Sith

Summoner / Enchanter


Replica is a Bun-Bun Cait Sith Nero Idol who announced her retirement only days before the Apocalypse due to an undisclosed, apparently terminal illness. While not hugely popular, she garnered a small cult following for her infectious enthusiasm over Elder Tale Online's more mundane details. She also gained a reputation for being outspokenly against PK as a "destructive" act, something that her viewers titled as "virtual conservationism". Despite this, her views and affiliations often made her the target of chuunibyou claims.

"You don't want to know how much time you've got left." - Replica

Elder Tale Online


Additional Information

Alliance: New World Alliance
Kingdom: The Ninetails Dominion
Skills: Virtual Conservationist, Critter Fanatic, Transient Interest, Colourless, No Summon Is Truly Temporary


Name Date Summary